This will probably be rightfully downvoted but I'm autistically happy about this chain of comments with this clueless dolt.

1  2019-01-02 by Mcchisell


I think you think you're funnier than you are.

No I know it's not really funny. Just gave me an autistic giggle and thought I'd share in case a few other people liked it. That's why I anticipated downvotes and don't mind. The fag is acting like he knew what I was talking about all along now so it's ruined anyway.

Bwahahaha way to go faggot!!

I almost bombed as hard as you with half the effort! Follow me around more and make more unfunny memes and then get mad about it.

The sad/funny thing is that you care so much about “bombing” or getting upvotes on here. Like you’re really emotionally and psychologically invested in it. Your self esteem sky rocketed after I “bombed” lol so you bragged about it and then pretended you weren’t butthurt when you bombed. You sir are a real loser and a genuine faggot

Just oof. You've been fuming all day. You spazzed the fuck out over your shitty memes lol. Calm down like I said you're really acting like the tranny.

lol I never spazzed out i just called u a cuntface because I knew you would do nothing about it and also because you really are a cuntface. I think you’re imagining things to make your life seem more exciting. Put another cock in your mouth and pacify yourself little faggot

You sent me two replies within ten seconds when I made of your shitty meme... nobody is imagining anything and you're very obviously projecting about your AIDSly life.

That proves I was angry cunt, maybe I just wanted to call you a cunt. And you’re still here faggot. Then you went and posted about it to make yourself feel like less of a faggot. Go jump in a giant vat of acid and try to erase the faggotry from your life

I thought it was funny you weren't catching onto the Colin flaherty reference. That's pretty much it. You're still fuming. I accepted that this thread was dead before you started posting in it...

Nah I got the reference right away I just wasn’t expecting you to run the whole script, guess I underestimated what an unoriginal and mindless O and A copypasta drone you are. At the end of the day you posted this on the sub because me bombing on here was apparently the highlight of your life, and then you deleted it like a little chickenshit. You thought it would make you less of a fag but spoiler alert you’re a fag for life. You will be a fag until the day they bury you in the AIDS hospice graveyard and no doubt your tombstone will refer to me bombing on the O and A subreddit since it was the greatest moment of your faggy life

Yeah I'm not reading all that. Sorry nobody liked your memes. Hope your blood pressure goes down soon. You're a true faggot lol.

Lol what did you say fagboy I never read your messages I just assume it’s the phrase “all Reddit and no life makes Jack a dull boy” repeated over and over like The Shining or probably more likely “I’m a fag feed me big cock daddy” copied and pasted 50 times in a row, anyway us non faggots got more important things to do Bye now FAGGOT 😄👍

As everyone noted in your failed "meme from your brilliant joke" you're bad at this. Stop trying. You're an actual faggot. This has been confirmed.

Lol. You are an actual actual faggot. If in the near future genetic scientists manage to create a hybrid of Elton John and Freddie Mercury, this freakish mutant will indeed confirm that you are the biggest faggot he has ever seen. With your shitty observational comedy routines posted to Reddit and your admission that you post gay shit when drunk. Shoot yourself faggot

Lol you are studying the fuck out of my profile. My observational comedy? Pointing out you're a fag and bad at everything you try here isn't observational comedy. Yeah I posted a stupid grapefruit ale joke the other night when I was drunk and admit it. Still got more upvotes than silence of the ma'ams which you were brimming with excitement about.

Lol you’re a loser

Says the guy still fuming and stalking because of a failed meme you thought would be a hit lol

You’re such a fag

Nope you're just mad and can't accept you're embarrassingly unfunny and non-self aware

Lol You’re such a homo You love the cock 😄

Nope. You're beyond bad at talking shit online. We can do this indefinitely retard.

Lol you’re a fucking faggot and you know it, kill yourself
