Reminder that despite being seen as a pervert (whose fetish is jacking off in front of people) and losing millions including a movie, Louis CK would still probably not go within 1000 feet of Compound Media

1  2019-01-02 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK

be more wordy, yes


CP Media is where careers go to die. Louis CK isn't suicidal.

to be fair has anyone with a career that wasn't already shot too shit and/or never had one in the first place?

legion of skanks were on the rise when they signed....they were off to greener pastures pretty quick though

Has everyone forgotten that when @Anthonycumiashow first launched, it was the only twitter account Louis "followed" for about 12 hours?

I remember Keith boasting about it on the show and Louis not long after that went ahead and "unfollowed"

I think he just wanted to beat off in Keith's wife's face, probably Keith's face too tbh

CP Media is where the dead bodies of careers are dumped in the middle of the night after the neighbors begin to notice the stench.

Bill Maher, Joe Rogan, Norm Macdonald, Gregg Hughes and a dozen podcasts that get 1000x the audience of CP Media would love to have Louis CK on.

The man is down right now, but he still has better options than CP Media. He's not Gavin or Milo for fucks sake.

Yeah, OP's logic doesn't make sense. He might as well say Jerry Seinfeld wont go on Compound Media. Louis CK could still go on Howard Stern or any show.

Not really. I mentioned Louis because he was on O&A a lot and seemed to have some sort of rapport with them. Seinfeld has zero relation to O&A and Louis has almost no relationship with Howard Stern. It's funny to me that Louis has fallen so far and is so hated right now, but would still never consider doing a show with someone who he's already done many shows with.

Louis did the show to sell tickets, and at the time O&A was one of the biggest radio shows in the country. If Louis felt like he needed to go on a radio show, he wouldn't pick one that is behind a pay wall.

The logic doesn't make sense, it would only work if Louis was doing every other show, but he refused to do Compound.

Louis should do his own podcast cumtown style, only with more swears.

That's insulting, Louis actually puts effort into the shit he makes. He's not just some fence-straddling asexual irony boy with an uggo trust fund gf.

Doing a podcast doesn't preclude putting effort into other things, but based on this comment I assume you never listened to Louis do his Saturday Night Virus show?

Who the fuck comes to this subreddit without exhausting O&A archive?

Wasn't that just a one-off thing he did on a Saturday night? He still answered calls on had to fill dead air. He didn't eat into the mic and monotone drone on about tax law. I used to like cumtown, but that was back when Nick still had a pair and would do his Seth Cockfeild character and put in some interstitial audio tracks. It's little shit but if you're making $40k a month, put some fucking effort into your two-hour a week job

233 views, this deserves so much more

Not to sound gay but I’m in love with Nick and I’ll defend him to the death


If you even say a bad word about my friend... You can do whatever you want to me, fuck my ass, rape me, make me sleep in the bottom bunk, make me wear kool aid on my lips to make me pretty, smuggle make up in MY ass, lie to the doctor to have them surgically remove part of my colon so that I'm loose, always loose for you... Do whatever you want to me...

But if you say something about my friend Nick, I'ma throw down.

Yesssssssss i would like you to mother fuck me.

Has Keith tweeted an invite to that Louie twitter account yet?

He will once he finishes the logo he’s designing for the “Louie and Anthony Show.”

A stubby silhouette cumming on the face of one with two shirts.

Whaaat? Even with that big studio in the city? Old guests have been dropping in all the time! Its like the classic WNEW or XM days at CM.

He and Bobo could play the up and down game together

It's funnier because Louie paid 6 million to save his movie from being shelved forever. Dude's career is being annihilated and he pays millions to save ~mah art~

That's the lost souls room; a room for ghosts that have been exorcised. That's death for the dead..

He's already being labeled as "alt-right" thanks to a joke about tiny Asian penises, if he does CM he might as well start wearing a Gestapo uniform.

I'm pretty sure compound Media has a strict "no comedy" policy.

Louis CK needs to go on a FREE podcast.

would LOVE to see him on the brothaman’s podcast. Stay tuned!

Jacking off in front of people is my lifestyle. I will never give up my rights, bigot.

It's only a matter of time before he hangs with the brothaman though

He's a pariah, he'll be there soon enough

Anyone with an ounce of self respect, decency or a career (even if it’s currently suffering) goes within 1000 ft of the Compound.

Not a subscriber, but the the videos I have seen of the show are absolutely terrible. Only time it's been remotely watchable was when Gilbert Gottfried was on. Or when they were bashing Matarese.

i mean it's true, but the many faggot posters in this thread who take issue with CP media because they host racists (as if that matters) are still humongous fragile queers

If you run a YouTube channel as a hobby in your spare time, and your content is even mildly interesting, you can easily accumulate five-digit subscriber numbers at least. Put even a modicum of effort into it and you’ll easy surpass 100k subs.

Meanwhile Compound Media has a few hundred subs at most.

Some rando on YouTube who talks about anime is literally 3 orders of magnitude more popular than Grandmama and her two shirts.