Does it, cunt?

1  2019-01-02 by RBuddCumia


They're pissed Louis CK has nothing left to lose. Normally they'd just get his television show cancelled, but they don't know how to silence him now.

Between this and the fake twitter, I have rekindled hope that Louis is going to undergo the 2pac Phoenix rise, a Mac-10 (ice cream tub) in each hand screaming fuck this gay earth


American Beauty shit.

Uh oh! Mom's upset!

I love this new reality in which our "rights to comment" can be "rescinded"

Who is this woman who can rescind the First Amendment?

An angry dyke. It's all they live for.

Any woman with power is a threat to this once great civilization.

Elena Kagan Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sonia Sotomayor


I still can't believe this retarded fat spic of a woman is on the supreme court. (((Jizzburg))) and cow dyke (((Kagan))) are shit too, but at least there seems to be some legitimacy to their academic credentials, unlike beaner bitch who literally only got anywhere because of affirmative action.

You just hate a self described wise latina.

braps civil liberties away

She's a 'wise latina', bigot. She doesn't need to be qualified.

And that's Liberal Laurence Tribe's opinion!

Kagan was never even a judge, and she's a fucking socialist.

They really want a fucking dystopia.

A persons right to speak is never rescinded you dumb lesbian.

Amen, stupid.

I wish I was so open-minded to the point I became a fascist.

and you're not a writer, you're a stupid cunt

Unfunny bitch writes article bitching about who gets to be funny. Our panel of another unfunny bitch, an unfunny, just black enough guy and yet another unfunny bitch discuss tonight at 11.

Quite humorous to see self-important cunt comedians wax philosophical about how comedy is an art form, then immediately act like it's not subjective or open to interpretation when someone says something they don't like.

What was the joke?

You’re not special because you went to a school where people got shot.

Literally did not even mention Parkland.

Fake jews

Talking about how kids today are actually whiny and telling people how bad they were instead of being stupid, living life. "why are we listening to what some kids have to say to congress?"

basically why do we care what kids have to say about morality because they were at the school a shooting happened. And hes 100% right. People here have probably been through more fucked up shit and may not even realize it simply by having a few decades on those kids.


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I can't figure out what your "Does it?" is in response to.

Just focus on the "cunt" part.

I can’t think of a group of people I respect less than “freelance journalists.” Get a real fucking job.

all they do is write shit all day and can't even nail down a steady job doing that. Fucking pathetic.

The problem is that graduating college with a liberal arts degree that your parents paid for doesn’t make you an authority on anything, but it doesn’t stop them from trying to be one.

The only thing free about the "free press" is the fact that it's worthless, and therefore it's free.

A ton of white kids died. She should be doing backflips. Why the hate?

We are now a nation of pearl clutching twats.

A few years back CNN completely got rid of its investigative journalism team. They were already pretty shitty before this but they still took a massive nosedive in quality after this. At some point the people in charge over there apparently realized that most people have an intelligence just barely over that of a retards so, despite being a 24 hour news network, such things are a waste of time and money. When you treat the masses with respect and the belief that they are intelligent they actually end up offended and angry.

I think it's just an ideologically driven propaganda outlet that's built on a lie that their activist writers, tv stars, and editors are "reporters" and not democratic activists

at least it’s keeping you busy

i don't watch or read it at all

I like how the study they reference specifically ONLY deals with gay couples.

I didn't find it funny therefore it isn't.

Hopefully this sub is big enough where we don't completely dismiss her opinion just because she is British. Also guys please don't open her twitter account and mock her ugly photo where she has more caked on make-up than a cadaver.

I don't care how played it is, "if the WTC had that much foundation it wouldn't have collapsed" is one of my favorite lines about clowned up cunts.

She looks like the kind of "woman" whose smell jim would find intoxicating.

Even if you thought his jokes weren't funny (they were), at least Louie is trying to make people laugh rather than pat themselves on the back. I'm starting to kind of miss shitty comedians like Pablo Francisco at this point, at least they were thinking in the context of humor.

In a world...

Thanks for your opinion you vapid idiot. Who wants to bet this bitch has never made anyone laugh in her life? Louis is a god because he has said some shit that has absolutely killed me. That puts him immediately above the average shitdick person, and leagues beyond any dumb columnist grasping for straws.

Christ, the state of journalism today is pathetic. Fuck these dumb faggots

Humorless dyke

The left: Talking seriously about freedom of speech being rescinded and not getting why people hate them more than the dummies on the right.

There are people literally laughing in the bootlegged clip you cunting retard.

lmao this dude must hit home runs at all times or else some talentless cunt will find an opening.

everyone in the club was laughing...

You value the opinion of paying customers over a bunch of self-important bloggers? What kind of moron are you?

Why do people only have opinions on comedians when they say something offensive?


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I looked up her Twitter. Not saying I wouldn't fuck her but she's ugly. No surprise she's gotta troll for attention.

Made me laugh.

Louis CK makes joke - audience bursts out in hysterical laughter.

CNN: "Sooo unfunny! Comedy FAIL!"

What "happens when comedy fails" is called "bombing" and it's happened to every single comedian ever at one time or another. Assuming that she actually heard the objectionable joke in context and isn't merely basing her subjective opinion on second-hand information gleaned from the daily outrage cycle, she concludes that the joke "failed", but instead of simply stating that she didn't like it she tries to assign both the line and Louis CK himself far more importance than either of them merit. His stupid throwaway joke was not indicative of some huge societal shift nor does it indicate that he is now an alt-right fascist Nazi rapist racist hate-mongerer, it simply indicated that he's clearly rusty and in need of better new material.

Then there's the completely retarded idea that all pop culture entertainment, as well as the lives of the entertainers themselves, must be screened and vetted for any content that might trigger or offend anyone (unless the offended party is a "cis" white male). Some of the best and most important pop culture entertainment ever made "offended" people when it first arrived, but the PC hysteria squad wants to nip that in the bud and ensure that no one is ever offended (aside from white "cis" males) again, as apparently the trauma of being briefly offended or annoyed by a bit of pop culture ephemera is just too much for the delicate snowflakes of the world to endure.

"His stupid throwaway joke was not indicative of some huge societal shift nor does it indicate that he is now an alt-right fascist Nazi rapist racist hate-mongerer..."

You're right. However, it would be a lot cooler if he was.

I hope he embraces the outrage and continues going out of his way to offend and annoy. Comedy needs someone like that right now, someone who's gonna say "fuck Hannah Gadsby" and do a set of fag and retard jokes.

Reminds of theNo Laughing Matter piece with Merl.

Who the fuck is Holly Thomas and why should anyone give a shit about her opinion.

Our future is being stolen from us by radicals. They can go to hell

"I dislike this person so I have to prwtend he isn't funny."

Who the fuck is Holly Thompson.

An ugly tranny bitch.

What do they fucking want from the dude? Ritual sepukku for showing his dick to a broad over a decade ago?

The entire room laughed at the joke.

Yet twitter morons are trying to suggest it’s not funny. Idiots are so transparently full of shit.

All that laughter, that's louder than any SJW comic ever, wasn't real? Unfunny cunts, your future is over.

People need to calm the fuck down. I listened to the whole set & I was thoroughly entertained & the humor was no more dark than any other of Louis CK’s older material. It’s being blown way outta of proportion & the Parkland were pretty tame compared to a lot of things he said during his routine. It sounds like Holly Thomas just needs a sold dicking down so she can chill the fuck out.

And the last time a fat lesbian has made anyone laugh was... ?

None of these cunts can admit they don't have a sense of humor, it's always the joke isn't funny not that I'm an offended sack of shit.

People that get offended by words are fucking faggots. Please for the love of allah let there be a nationwide Kristallnacht against mainstream media.

If Holly Thomas assumes that her right to comment rests on the fact that she is writing an opinion piece, that right is surely rescinded when her opinion is so retarded and faggoty

His right is Amendment 1 of our glorious constitution you vapid witch.

I bet when she was being born, someone said "Look at that cunt coming out of that cunt's cunt."

The only thing that needs to be rescinded is women having rights

is the end game to ban comedy ?

But how would he know if its funny or not without testing it in a small club thats not meant to be recorded? It's not like this is his latest special.

I'm trying v hard not to become an antisemite news station shooter but my god man

Sounded like the room enjoyed the fuck out of it, dyke cunt

How can people be so single minded to say his act is not objectively funny when they're listening to it through a chorus of laughter from the audience?

that's not how comedy works..