Fucking Super Dave has died now

1  2019-01-02 by MySexJunkSmells

I'm not gonna pretend that I'm crying or any of the other lame shit redditards do for epic upvotes but goddamn is this disappointing, he was so fucking funny.

Here's something you cn all have a good laugh at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3o5m_mXadoU


Aw what the fuck. Hilarious guy.

His old show was a riot.

I was young enough that I recall thinking some of it was real.

Remember the cartoon?

He was a funny ass jew. Best part of Curb.

No he wasn't. He tried as hard as possible to make up for his monster plastic surgery face by worshipping Judaism on that show.

Go shit in your gay you fuckin faggot

"Fuck me, Jew bastard?"

Gonna miss him on Curb. Fucking sucks.

Ps ur cunt is in the sink

His and Seinfeld’s greatest moment.

The new season will be lacking with no Marty Funkhouser.

They already finished filming it

That’s awesome. I love Larry & his exchanges.

RIP Sweety Prince. The Lord needed a hilarious Evel Knievel impersonator

That sucks, he'd have been great for Arrested Development's movie if they ever do make one.

Oh my god, aren't the last two seasons enough for you?

The last one was really bad too.

I didn’t even watch it. Planned on it, but I wanted to re-watch the 4th season. Forgot how bad it was and never got around to season 5. That show is living proof that cancelled shows should never be revived. Could you imagine how bad Tough Crowd would be if it got brought back now?

Yeah they tried to do something like it recently called "Problematic" with some skinnyfat glasses wearing faggot, I think it failed right away even to its faggoty target audience

You're surprised that someone named Moshe is a faggot.

Or as Patrice called him, "Jewish Jewish."

His CICGC #2 was really funny

That guy used to give me rimjobs.

As Louis pointed out — he was 76, why are you telling me?

And he was 6'4", they don't usually make it past 70.

r.i.p. marty funkhouser :(

Sad he is roasting in hellfire rn. He was a most amusing jew

A little too overly sensitive on norms show for my taste, whether it was a bit or not it was annoying and overdone.

I agree. I enjoyed the guy but like every few mins on NML he was talking about how this or that was anti Semitic.

it was definitely a bit, but a little over-dramatic sure

Super Dave Landau is alive and kickin my man

Little orphan Funkhouser

Apparently he died trying to open a pickle jar.

Everybody’s gotta be a pickle hero...

didn't know he was so old. goddamn he was great

Super Dave on norm Macdonald live: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PI87WSKNl4M One of the best guests he had on imo

Of all the things Norm has done, that hour with Super Dave might be my favorite.

Love that video

Not so super now, is he.

This is extremely upsetting.

Obligatory: What's the deal with unrestricted cellular division?

Damnit, besides Larry he was the best damn part of Curb Your Enthusiasm. JB Smooves good too, but the Leon characters gotten kinda played out after while.

Leon got played out after one season.

Jesus I can't stand him.

You're probably right, I havent watched the earlier seasons with him in a long time, but I remember laughing my ass off in his early episodes, like the one where Larry accused of him jacking off on a teddy bear or whatever.

But yeah motherfucker got annoying as hell after a while, I remember thinking the new season they just did was great with the exception of most of the Leon scenes. Write that motherfucker off the show already

Leon sucks goat balls. Earlier he sucked squirrel balls.

He was great on Arrested also. May he RIP, he has escaped this hell on earth gay shit we call the Internet.

RIP. Here's Norm's brother screwing with Dave. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJiUtmtfgP4

God damn it, Super Dave was one of like, the only four good Jews on Earth. Norm's Super Dave Impression:


Damn it, I thought 2016 ended years ago!

EDIT: Gold? Thanks, kind stranger!

did he steal that from jackie martlin?

Once called Mr. T a faggot to his face, he'll be missed

reports suggest he was trying to charge his Samsung Galaxy Note 7

I loved him in everything I've seen him in.

He played straight so well

Yea him and Norm bounced of each other amazingly.

Curb and Veep are probably the only funny shows actually on television. Marty Funkhouser was great, will miss the awkward fucker.