Nana in Love

1  2019-01-02 by ProfessorChipperson


Well, I do ❤️ beefers.

Hate that name

I only use it here or at daycare.

Sue Lightning as Quiet really gets my goat going.

I don’t get it

The bottom panel, the guy has his important iPad data backed up in the cloud while he browses a fansite about Jamaican beef patties.

Top: Anthony is some kind of mutant freak with a child girl's head growing out of his butt, maybe she got stuck trying to fish out the egg. Miraculously although she is trapped in anthony's anus and wearing his prostate like a greenman skin suit, he can still somehow fart from his anus creating a gas bubble.

Jamaica beef patties rule. Id post there

Your flair checks out, so assuming you're not some r/chapotraphouse faggot grifter: Anthony got catfished by a middle aged divorced father pretending to be a 14 or 15 year old (I forget but one of those ages) girl. He offered the "girl" an iPad as a gift as part of his grooming ritual. This man later outed himself in a long post.

Thanks for the info. I didn’t even know what r/chapotraphouse

beefer posters unironically blown the fuck out

but they post pix of tits. it's like every day is WHIP EM OUT WEDNESDAY around here! it's bonkers!

Fuck you Uncle Paul For Applauding Scum

Tranth’s not white though

What is to catch a predator. OHH condoms and wine cooler is what Nana feeds.

Oh my god

Hate that name

Jamaica beef patties rule. Id post there