Three buttholes, Dick Sucking Lips and daddy issues-pete Davidson would make a better prison wife than comedian

1  2019-01-02 by JUSTfmyshitup


Did ariana grande really let this opium den creature stick his penis in her

Like Pete could get hard for a woman...

He’s apparently so premature he needs to think about his dead father to keep from cumming.

Oh. That's the opposite of the method I use

Don't forget rodent teeth. He could chew through a wall with those.

He’s about to kill himself living the cake life he has on the outside, I’d give him about 4 hours before he hung himself with his bedsheets.

Why are you fags so obsessed with this nobody, it's absolutely pathetic

I still don't know or care who this person is

Post this on r/celebs please, where it belongs

Shit-headed gossipy faggots interested in teenage B-list celebrities like teenage girls, 25% of this board is the latest news about celebs that have nothing to do with O&A


You look like you have terminal AIDS, Pete

Who do you like better pete or ariana? Fucking FAG

What are you watching tonight babe SNL or netflix? Hahaha


Came to post this. really don't get it, very off

I took a 3 month break and in the meantime the mde sub went down and a few others. They've obviously all flocked here. This sub sucks now for the most part. Too many mdefugees and cumtown/chapo fags. All I see is mean = funny shit being posted, completely devoid of any humor, like this thread. It's nothing more than mean celebrity gossip you could read in TMZ. Fucking embarrassing the amount of fags that have come here recently.

You lost me

Stop wandering off then

Can we just concentrate on how unfunny/pointless these threads are?

Nobody cares about Pete Davidson, and these posts don't belong here at all. They are fucking everywhere and only a small percentage of people here are making them.


They are downvoting because the truth hurts.

You don’t know who Pete Davidson or why he’s often mentioned on the O&A sub? Honestly, did you even listen to the Opie & Anthony Show? I’m assuming no because Pete Davidson was on the show many times & if that’s the case wtf are doing here? Nothing worse than people who join this sub because they think it’s some community of ideologically like minded people when in reality it used to be just fan or former fan of a radio show.

I don't remember a single episode where he was on, and regardless they've had hundreds of guests you dipshit. Are we gonna make 100s of threads about every minor celeb that visited the studio? Hundreds of posts about their lives? Nah, nobody cares. This is just teenage-girl-level celebrity obsessed horseshit. Take it to r/celebs

You act like people here are posting flattering things about Pete Davidson. Should all mentions of celebrities like Amy Schumer & Mel Gibson posts be taken straight to r/celebs too?

I dont care

Just not here you fag, obsessing about a teenage boy

Do we really think this guy is worthy of any attention?

Why does he look so normal,even handsome esp in that classic suit,yet I think the lesson for thr day is we should trust our instincts more,gang .

Like Pete could get hard for a woman...