This might've been the fag that cackled through the video, despite how much he says it wasn't him...

1  2019-01-02 by TangerineReam


Who really cares?

that was boring

i know

It 100% definitely might've been.

His name is max_cherry. And of course he posts here and is a Proud boy.

So we can confirm that it was some fag from here?

They ruined the audio with their cackling, but they also ruined Louie's chance at getting back in with (((them))), so "pick your poison".

It's absolutely this guy:

Everything in his comment history reads like something Brother Joe would say.

If people played a drinking game in which they drink every time someone makes a mention of Trump being orange, they'd all be shitfaced all the time.

He sounds like Chip.

Suck it. If it weren't for me and my laughing, you'd never have heard this set.

Pretty sure he's a woman after reading that. What an utterly repulsive being.

Anyone who says "your boy __ here" should be killed.

besides asmon gold