He couldn’t define globalists if he had a gun to his stupid head.

1  2019-01-02 by RBuddCumia


Imagine if he put as much effort into getting his kid to school on time as he does actively discouraging her from furthering her education

Imagine if Joe was dead.

Do you want me to cum my dick clean off?

Imagine if he'd applied himself at school with the same focus he gives to making a fool of himself on social media. He would probably have ended up a Rhodes scholar.

If there's one thing that is a recent development on college campuses, it's liberalism.

Joe is subsimian.

No ones accusing these people of being Milton Friedman tier liberals you fucking tard, were at full blown French/jewish deconstructionism and post modernism.

It’s all conservatives fault. Yeah, they’ll never have the humanities because what conservative is going to think studying black people in Queens is worth studying.

But they attack science and other shit now. They only departments that have some conservative professors are law and business. Even those they are starting to chase away with their anti intellectual bullshit. They basically conceded education to the left, because of stupid bullshit.

Because naive retarded children like you think “science” is like totally nonpartisan and apolitical and can never be manipulated for political or financial gain, also if you don’t think humans will destroy the earth in 50 years you’re a “climate change denier” which of course was not created to associate people who don’t agree w the left on climate change as similar to holocaust deniers at all, just a coincidence.

Its also totally a coincidence that political leaders that push climate change hard like Macron make individual workers financially responsible and not the major corporations who make up the vast majority of green house gas emissions. Naive fucking children, the lot of you.

Yeah, maybe instead of denying dumping a shot ton of CO2 in the atmosphere can have an effect on global temperatures maybe suggest something as simple as planting more trees to offset.

Those faggots complaint about leftish solutions but are never able to provide rational ones because they are too busy denying its a problem in the first place.

It’s almost like rich and powerful people motivate idealistic retards into doing their bidding and then the idealistic retards can justify whatever their masters told them to do as “but what else can we do but tax working class people at higher rates”


I agree the cost should go to corporations through fines and taxes, but just because you don’t like the solution doesn’t mean the problem doesn’t exist.

What will the Chinese do?

We have no problems slapping tariffs on them; put another one on to offset carbon.

What exactly is supposed to happen in this doomsday scenario caused by climate change, and why do you care?

Biodiversity diminishes, ecosystems due because they can’t grow and spread as fast as the climate is changing.

Marine ecosystems are extremely sensitive. The rising sea levels and lower pH caused by CO2 forming carbonic acid sucks for them.

Why do I care?

I’m a human that lives here and has children here. I love nature, and wildlife.

I guess it makes me a faggot who cares, but I’ll gladly take that label.

Solution? I posted something on this topic recently.

"Considering Leftist types are so worried about carbon output, it's a bit odd that they also want to import millions of non whites with high birth rates to industrialized nations.

Below replacement level birthrates in most white countries for decades just shows that non white immigration is mainly responsible for the increase in carbon emissions and climate change.

Shitskins did global warming"

Maybe let nature take it's course in Africa, or at least stop importing them to Western countries where they'll get a car and put shiny things on the wheels.


"By 2070, the bulk of the world's population growth is predicted to take place in Africa: of the additional 2.4 billion people projected between 2015 and 2050, 1.3 billion will be added in Africa, 0.9 billion in Asia and only 0.2 billion in the rest of the world."

Isn’t that why China is investing in Africa. To make them what China is to America lol.

No, it's because "colonialism" doesn't bother the chinks. Good luck tapping into that innate altruism the Chinese are so famous for lol

You don’t need to go to college, just get a really rich brother and guilt him for all it’s worth! Duur!

Everyone I know who went to college now works at places like Panera bread. You’re better off getting into a trade and saving up as much money as you can for when this society inevitably collapses in the next 20 years.

Sounds like something collapsed in your brain.

Hey genius, did you know there used to be a time where not everyone went to college? That's right, there was a time where only the brightest and most intelligent earned a post secondary education.

Genius, do you know what happens when the entire fucking nation is told they need to attend college 24/7 for their entire upbringing? You get what we have today -- a bunch of under-qualified retards walking around thinking they're intelligent because they half-assed their way though college.

We need garbage men and burger flippers too.

But how will I be indoctrinated if not by some (((Sociology))) college course? Youtube?

Damn shame.

It must be tough, being one of the last great thinkers but being limited to playing dive bars and mooching off your brother because liberals.

"I tell Layla ALL the time DON'T go to college."

/#Don't /#Layla /#CollegeIsForIdiots /#MAGA /#Trump2020

That's someone I knows alma mater!

this isn't wrong though, especially if you use the more accurate word for "globalist"

Every time I see a political bumper sticker, I think to myself “who would possibly give a fuck?” Now I know.

Do you see the globalists now Joe....are they in the room with us?

i recognize some of those words but i can't figure out what this means. The cute emoji doesn't even convey the tone neither.... i'm confused. On another note, anyone know any digitech looping pedal solo shows worth checking out?

Globalists love guys like bro joe. Weak fat faggots w soft small cocks who get angry on the internet and then do jack shit and listen to some faggot band like U2

They are just after all the minerals in Africa.

That and they can sell a shit ton of solar panels there.

Being they have rare earth mineral mines in abundance.

I agree the cost should go to corporations through fines and taxes, but just because you don’t like the solution doesn’t mean the problem doesn’t exist.