The none stop anti PC rants about people being offended are more boring and gay than the PC police being offended.

1  2019-01-02 by JoeCumiaIsaRapist


Every fucking podcast or radio show rehash this shit none stop. Every fucking post here has the same points being made none stop. Nobody here thinks differently or disagrees. Every time any show has any guest on they have to have the same conversation. Every fucking time.


Lol, the election is next year, this shit ain’t gonna end anytime soon

I don't care if it stops or not. You can just ignore the retards on either side. I'm just so bored hearing about the oversensitive cry babies and the lectures on why they're wrong. It's as gay as comedians talking about "coming through" and being "in the trenches"

"Makes a post about how he wants something to stop" "i honestly dont care if it stops" pick one faggot.

'Non stop', stupid.

You're the most fragile white boy we have

I like him. He's like a movie encyclopedia.

If encyclopedias got butthurt everytime someone made a joke about white people

You can tell he's a brother Joe type who sermonises about white people's achievements while being an unemployed leech who contributes nothing to society. Basically someone who posts on the Donald and thinks Sam Harris and Ben Shaprio are modern day philosophers.

Sam Harris and Ben Shapiro are both Jewish.

ACKSHUALLY. Get a job u Joe Cumia bum

I'm even more racist than Joe Cumia and more gainfully employed if you can believe it. I also know the difference between the word 'non' and 'none' you fucking idiot. I assume you don't work in any industry where you need to have the language skills of the average 12 year old.

People who feel the need to point out spelling and syntax mistakes online are the same type of people who's bedrooms permanently smell of stale body odour and semen. What I'm saying is you have a pillow girlfriend.

Also you could stand in the street naked trying to sell good vibes to passer bys and be more gainfully employed than Joe Cumia.

'Whose bedrooms'. ;)

You're so cute when you're mad

You're so fucking dumb, you're making me side with the unironic Nazi. Cease.

I'm way better at Seinfeld than movies.

White boy read a lot

You're the ugliest nigger we have. What's your point?

U no what the word do DICKHEAD FUCKFACE

Exactly people have been crying about PC shit since before Patrice defended Imus nothing has changed since then it’s old hat. You can either work around it and try to use context or just become a violent alcoholic racist in your basement.

Both excellent choices, by the way.

Hot take. You win the subreddit.

I've had to hide half of the threads the last day or two. Why would anyone want to pay so much attention to annoying faggots on Twitter? Do you people enjoy being irritated? Just stay on task & help ruin Norton's life.

Exactly. People are being Cumia levels of retarded and purposefully searching social media sites nobody uses to get angry at things they would never encounter in their normal life. What is the fucking point?

James Morton stole 60k dollars from truckers to make them a cartoon and he never did it.

You are offending me with such shit. Go away.

It’s because everyone wants the right to say something interesting and controversial but they don’t have the substance to back it up. So they talk endlessly about the controversy of free speech itself. Its hack now and I’d rather just hear some people talk about these new ideas people keep saying we should have the freedom to express. People love ambiguity and a stalemate. The amount of money that can be made with uncertainty is pretty much infinite.

Fuck you Dave Rubin you eternal bore

"Just stfu about it while they successfully blacklist wrongspeakers and institute dpeech code, guys! You're annoying me!"

Fuck you.

And you think preaching to the choir online here helps? What the fuck man?