Under appreciated part of Louis's new set:

1  2019-01-02 by Mcchisell

"But we started to feel shitty about it, so we changed it to 'intellectually challenged.' What the fuck, it's—don't name the kid a thing he can't say out loud. An intellectual challenge is can you translate Shakespeare into Latin and make it rhyme. These kids are not intellectually challenged, they're intellectually fuckin' done."



Holy Shit

You probably have several intellectually challenged children

Probably not. All you gotta do is take vitamins when youre preg not sure why thats so hard for some people

Lady Di-esque response

Dont your type smoke crack while you're pregnant?

No, pussy fart, we don't.

My mistake

Most of the women I've ever seen do drugs while pregnant were white. But that's because I don't live in low income areas where there are non white people

I too dont live around the undesirable

Vodka is a good source of vitamin

Good cause i jist finished off the bottle

Slap table

louie is great and anyone who disagrees can suck a bag of dicks

They better be black dicks.

They’re not suppose to enjoy it

Asian ones are easier to swallow.

Or, watch someone who is blocking the door tug on one.

His retard bit was just facts

The best type of humor is Truth.

This is why they are going so hard after him.

A deceiver fears nothing but someone speaking truth.

more of a comment really

That’s a great line

You know what, it's not the same with the guy laughing and commenting.



'Intelligence is not their sport.'

I liked the 'we don't have them around because they're fuckin retarded' line.

Retard humor is important. Seriously

We need to take back the word "retard". Same with "faggot". I henceforth will say "retard" and "faggot" every single time I see or hear the word "cis" used in any context. Retard and faggot aren't going anywhere until "cis" does. I am not "cis", I am "normal".

What I think is underrated is the valuable insights by the Neanderthal in the crowd. Laughing like a retard, talking to Louie, and repeating what he says really "jazzed up" the set

You probably have several intellectually challenged children

Slap table