Based on a joke by U/beerandlolz about the GameStop tranNazi

1  2019-01-02 by AnthonyCummier



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What guy doesn’t know that GameStop only gives credit? Ma’am your fella card has been revoked

Nice overly caring about giving credit for something retarded stupid

Why would you prefer I steal jokes from people like you do faggot

I guarantee that pun is cleverer than anything you’ve ever thought up in your entire worthless life cuntface

Wow I got you so mad you replied twice! It's not remotely clever or funny and you didn't even think of it so not sure why you're so offended. This post flopped. Move on, it happens.

Nice commenting on everything I post on here faggot

I've replied to you the same amount that you've replied to me? Never seen any of your other posts. Try to calm down. You're like the tranny.

Nice overdramatising my reactions to you, cocksucker

Stop trying. You are an actual faggot and are bad at this.

I’m not trying faggot and you are that’s the problem. You’re so gay you gave AIDS AIDS.

You're an oof machine

You’re a cum dumpster

Guess I forgot to laff

Is that what your Dad said after he ass-raped you, stupid

Guess I forgot to laff

So you’re confirming that’s what he said? You lazy unoriginal retarded gay incest survivor and all round faggot?

I don't give a fuck dude!

LOL How can u not give a fuck your dad raped you?

I'm telling u/AnthonyCummier to go back to the way he used to be!

What way was that faggot?

You were one of the gayest fuckin faggots on this sub!

I’m still fag-larious

Maybe do your lame opinion pieces elsewhere? This is depressing.

You’re a bigger faggot than Jim Norton and that’s difficult to do, so hats off to you sir



You were one of the gayest fuckin faggots on this sub!