1  2019-01-02 by unclepaul84


Fuck off. There's enough to hate this pandering idiot over without adding your anti-semitic horseshit. This crap will shut down the sub

shut up kike

Jews should all be burned alive.

So wahen you gonna get on that self immolation?

I take offense to that.

Typical closet case self loather.

I'm honestly not a jew dude. I'd tell you if I was.

Only a Jew would say that.

Agreed. Lets try to not get this sub shut down.

If this sub gets shut down, I swear in the tomb of my ancestors I’ll steal a nuclear device and detonate near Jim Norton.

Shut up kike faggot.


Jew! We got a Jew over here!

I see your Jew Finder is working. Did you add any optional widgets?

How do you figure out how many kikes live in your neighborhood?

Roll a quarter down the street.

Nice Artie nose, stupid.

How can you say someone has an Artie nose when it changes daily stupid?

Schroedinger's Schnozzle

His nose needs liposuction.

"Come see my new movie, goyim, about the loose alcoholic pig-woman. She's got blonde hair just like the shiksas so she should be your role model."

Also never forget the six gorrillion.

It's a sad state of affairs when wimpy heebs like this get free reign to make his estrogen-laced fagfests that pass for movies, but CQ the legend is relegated to bit parts in them, playing second fiddle to Chuck Schumer's unfunny fat slob of a niece. Fuck Hollywood and the nepotism it runs on.

I would pay good money to watch colin and norm in a buddy cop movie.

Hey young men did you know it's actually cool to be weak, submissive, and antagonistic to strong and socially competent people? These are the values that girls actually enjoy and you should cultivate them. That's healthy and good message and I take great pride in impressing it upon the minds of millions of impressionable young adults in America

Their privilege handed people like Judd absolutes, which is contrary to how 99% of people live their lives. The human experience is rife with compromise and these people are preaching their experiences to people who will never have the opportunities they had. Its funny, they lecture others about their privilege without understanding that their inherent ideals are informed by their comfort and privilege. They know a life that barely anyone has any reference to. Its 'let them eat cake' bullshit. We know why these guys are going so far with trying to seem like inoffensive angels, 'new' media brought in the guillotines and the sound of them being sharpened haunts people like Judd at night. This type of manipulation of public perception is child molestation for people with no sex drive. It comes from power, it is power, and its being misused by people who's skill is literally to pretend to be someone else. I don't like to call people sheep because I'm not Owen Benjamin, but weakness can be manipulated so easily with humans and every single time I see one of these fucktards take advantage of the mentally ill or inner city minorities it makes me want to be sick. We can sit all day and laugh our asses off at the less fortunate and still not reach the level of moral bankruptcy these people exhibit in every faucet of their lives. Its all drenched in financial interests and as much as you love capitalism, you cant speak for the less fortunate and then reap financial benefit and then pretend to be pure. The good deed is tainted by the privilege you've received in kind for joining the group. These people by default are unfit to be spokespeople for anything. Where were these voices of reason at the height of gross out comedy? oh yeah, they were the culprits adapting like the shapeshifting clumps of matter they are. Eating from the racist, white, transphobic bla bla bla hand that fed them. They will never understand this though, how could they, they don't know any ordinary people. Have you seen how ordinary people are written in movies and television shows? its a fucking disgrace. Its like handing a teddy bear to a grizzly to try and let it know we understand its nature. These people are silhouettes of human beings, They secretly resent that they've been relegated to the two dimensional because of their success. They sit up at night and watch youtube videos of poor people creating better content than them and wonder how these individuals got their unique perspective. The mystery haunts them. These people want the burden of existence without actually having the burden, well its not possible. Back to late night talk shows with you, you fucking artifacts.

Settle down there, Dickens

Im sorry, I started with an inhale of weed and ended with an exhale. I got lost.

He got lost....

Jack Kerouhack

No but seriously that was great I agree with everything you said.

I didnt read all (read: any) of that but I get the feeling the basic message is "fuck jews" so I'll endorse.

Whenever someone digs up contradicting shit they’ve done in the past, they simply say they’ve changed or evolved and all is forgiven.

You mean like when confronted with Chip being a rip off of Jerky Boys Jim said “but Chip evolved.”

I’m new to the show. Any time Norton goes into a “character”, it’s annoyingly hacky. So far, he’s way more annoying than opie to me.

It just turned 2019 but already this is the comment of the year

Sir, were you just being ironic by writing “it’s all drenched...” after “every faucet of their lives?” Just curious.

wow, didn't actually realise that. Obviously meant to be facet. I will change because now I feel foolish

It’s all good, sir. Was just ‘bustin’ chops.’

Kind of a moot point since all girls are obnoxious harpies who are only there to stamp out the dreams of the cool guys who just want to get high with their buds all the time. Also they’re all his wife, who is a Hollywood 4 at best.

His wife, Bill Burr's wife, Rob Zombie's wife etc. Hollywood nepotism at it's best

weak genes kike.

The nose alone would sort your soap needs for at least 6 million years.

my man look like a thumb

His daughters are going to suck so much white power cock.

One of them was in that movie Assassination Nation. Not a bad movie, but it started to go off the rails 3/4 the way through



Wave a penny round the Jews nose it brings them right round

Nice 45 degree shoulders

I would say he works his traps a lot but then again he is a low-t kike afraid of anything that resembles masculinity.

Joe Derosa-berg

WTF there's not even a hint of an adam's apple

when ur Jewish and haven't sucked a baby foreskin in 24 hours

I like when he was on Rogan's podcast in 2016, and Joe asked him (2x) "if he could even think of one thing he didn't like about Hillary Clinton." Judd equivocated for 37 seconds (I counted), and then turned the conversation back to how bad Trump was. Trump wasn't even in office yet. He couldn't think of a single thing wrong with Hillary Clinton.

Nice "bone structure", stupid

Who’s the rotten cunt that photoshopped out the $ $ in his kike eye’s?! Every Jew has them.

I would say he works his traps a lot but then again he is a low-t kike afraid of anything that resembles masculinity.

Joe Derosa-berg

You mean like when confronted with Chip being a rip off of Jerky Boys Jim said “but Chip evolved.”

It’s all good, sir. Was just ‘bustin’ chops.’