Hate speech from the Louis hating soccer mom. Get reportin'

1  2019-01-02 by Ant_Sucks


Oooo those last two will get her

Maybe the home and tranny stiff, not the irish comment tho.

Unless they're trannies

oh no i always like here, but these tweets are really problematic


What am I supposed to say to my elderly transexual friends about this? #EraseTheHate

They're such hypocrites and for me that's the worst part.

that and the baby raping

And the semitism

They have no principles, only emotions, so they feel no compulsion to be consistent in anything they say or do.

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You want me report her because she says mean stuff about Louis CK? I like the guy. But that's fucking gay.

Report her just to have a laugh if she gets permanently suspended. Isn't that enough?

Losing that checkmark might be good for a laugh.

The rise and fall and falling again of some Twitter nobody

Yes lol. This is what made cumia reporting fun before antifa type queers made it fucking gay cause they were actually fighting racism.

Do it because it's funny.

Michael Ian Black has a dozen tweets about molesting kids and still has his account. Ever watch a Troma movie? Check out Lloyd Kaufman's account. Jesus Christ is there some reprehensible shit posted there. These people can do whatever they want. They'll never lose their accounts or be punished in any way, becuase they are part of the ruling class.

Not that I disagree with you, but we can at least well fucking try.

Your outrage is what they want. The fruits that review these accounts punch fuck themselves to your complaints while giggling.

We got Ant's multiple accounts banned. Have you forgotten?

Ant isn't an SJW or a jew. They live to ban goyim. You're not getting one of the chosen banned.

Not with that attitude.

Now that is the spirit of The Rocket. Good job Rocketeer!


Michael Ian Black is a Jewish American comedian, actor, writer and director.

He was born Michael Ian Schwartz on August 12, 1971, in Chicago, Illinois.

They love changing their names to trick normies out of thinking they run Hollywood.

Not on my watch! #racerealism

And you will know their by their noses.

I can tell more from the eyes and lower lip at this point. The whole center face area has a distinct look, you can usually tell once you star to notice.

That's from centuries of inbreeding. They become more and more deformed every generation. By the time we're elderly they'll look more hilarious than the caricatures we use to represent them.

Jon Leibowitz

Have to see if she has enough in her Liberal outrage bank account for them give her pass, say yeah she said it, but we know her heart is in right place that it was just a joke

I would but Twitter sent me to obscurity 18 months ago.

lol I know the blue checkmarks mean nothing, but what the fuck? She's the wife of some guy who sits on a couch? That's notoriety?

It's to thwart the legions of would-be impersonators.

She probably shared a BBQ'd infant with Jack at a spirit cooking and he did her a solid. Its not what you know, its who you know. You know.

You never want to believe you have been so wrong about a person.

What does it matter. It was never fair in the first place. These people are held to ransom by something or someone. You want to see the deep state? I reckon we’re looking at it. These aren’t actors, artists etc they’re pawns used to campaign for candidates when the candidates aren’t campaigning themselves. It’s the mafia, they originally agreed to terms and now someone’s asking for that contract to be fulfilled. I don’t think there’s a paper trail, I just think this system naturally evolved like that. Hollywood would naturally become a mouth piece and hologram for US ideals. With the amount of money at stake the people become commodities and you have an advanced system of social engineering. These people are trying to lay the bedrock for the next campaign, they’re just trying to create a political landscape that suits the narrative that will be pushed during the next political campaign. That’s all these people have become because the US doesn’t have the money to use one of their biggest exports just as a source or ‘art’. America are losing their grip on the world due to emerging markets and powers, plus their federal debt to gdp is something crazy like over 100%. The Anglo Saxon world is losing and it will do anything to fight for its survival. What we’re witnessing is economic and political desperation manifesting in a medium that is America’s last megaphone to the world. If you look at how many movie companies and tech companies that have been sold to China in the past 5 years you would be surprised. One day Rome will recede back into the picket fences of the 50s and the void will be replaced by a different agenda. Someone else to pick up the torch of world domination. You know what that means right? Chinese Lena Dunham.

Im in Asia now and its amazing how blockbuster movies have changed recently to suit asian audiences... Its why every film you see nowadays looks like hot neon sick and the actors tend to read lines explaining the plot instead of advancing it... Its not so much a takeover as it is that the west has largely abandoned the main cash cow media outlets while ex commie dinks are eager as fuck to go watch the latest disney movie in their millions...

her greatest crime is thinking that there's something hilarious about the words "tranny" and "nanny" rhyming.

God bless you sir and thank you for your righteous work