Patrice was right about Asians, wasn’t he?

1  2019-01-02 by RBuddCumia



Vietnamese restaurants are amazing in my experience. They are super friendly, provide fantastic service and genuinely care about making sure the customer wants to come back. Everything Patrice said Asian restaurants don’t do. I’ve listened to all of Patrice’s Asian rants a million times and he’s absolutely right in so many aspects. But I’ve never been to a Vietnamese place that wasn’t a great experience. And I’ve been to a lot of them all over both coasts as I’ve moved/traveled a lot and it’s one of my favorite cuisines.

Weird thing to ramble about. Sorry.

Yeah but you’re not a black dude on the east coast

That’s the whole reason Patrice was having issues, they hate niggers, especially giant loud ones

The Asian community is notoriously rascist against blacks.

Nigga's dont tip no matter what

And they are dead fucking right. Pay your staff, faggot.

He was right about asian-americans with low-prestige low-paying jobs in places that a giant black uneducated degenerate (no offence) would frequent. Patrice never even had Chinese food, just Chinese-American garbage that no Asian would recognize.

hes right about the chinese. A series of unfortunate events has produced a culture and natural selection for a people so obsessed with money, unscrupulous behavior and penny pinching that it makes Jews blush.


Rest of asia? Japanese are rocket scientists, Thais are faggots, Vietnamese are salt of the fucking earth, cambodians are funny and Pinoys are dumb but brave. Koreans are more or less americans, really. So overall, pretty good. Just drop the nukes on china.

