They smile in your face. All the time, they wanna take your place. The backstabbers. BACKSTABBERS

1  2019-01-02 by Loskanksfan


Nice Gloria Vanderbilt collection glasses, stupid.

Nice being old as fuck and knowing who that is, stupid nigga.

I know who Heraclitus is as well. (Nice missing the Seinfeld reference BTW, stupid.)

You can tell a lot by someone's eyes. Louie looks like he's been through the wire and seen some shit in his life. A real dude.

The fat woman on the left has a fag for a father and has probably been involved in Hollywood child orgies.

Hannah Gadsby has let herself go even more I see

Whatchu do!

A Swedish German and a Mexican Jew.

Who would have thought this sub sides with the latter?

Didn't this faggot turn on Norm for the metoo comments too?

They all will turn on anyone at any time to please people they will never meet, who they will also turn on one day. Lowest of life forms.

He turned on Norm because Norm called him out for being a homo whose wife is obviously a beard

He's not gay, he was raped.

Hand rape.

Et tu, fatso?

My man scowling cuz he know.

Virtue signaling in Hollywood now supersedes loyalty to friends, logic, common sense, sanity, etc. You must just take any and every opportunity to morally self aggrandize at the expense of this months new target. Everyone gets a turn. Time to pass Louie around and get your five minutes to make up reasons why this person deserves exile.

This is the new version of blowing a director for a role.

What happened to the days of John Wayne? Wayne knew Rock Hudson and George Takei were gay, made it clear to both of them he didn't understand it, told them it only once, worked with them professionally and friendly and kept their secret to the grave.

The moral of that is this - John Wayne was a man's man, and once we lose Eastwood, Hollywood is just going to be a town of 100% crybaby back stabbers and fake woke folk.

At least we'll have Crazy Uncle Mel.

James Woods

At that point, boybott it. I guess we back to reading books. What they gonna do, not make iron man part 12?

Fuck em, bunch of pedos.

Just pirate everything, even books.

John Wayne was a man's man

So was Rock Hudson, that's how he got AIDS

Vince Vaughn is alright

Its a really strange profession when you think about it, assuming they dont have any tangible skills with cameras then they exist professionally solely to be noticed. If people arent observing them they disappear, yet they regard themselves as the upper tier of society. Theyre social parasites.

Waspy lookin motherfucker

It sucks Richter used his "fame" on conan to take pictures with and promote privileged white Male comedians.

Do better

He should give up his position of privilege for a minority.

And I hope it backfires on him for assuming a minority would just want to sit on a couch because they're lazy.

Yeah, they should have Cedric the Entertainer be fat and unfunny on a couch

No wonder Louis said that only his black friends stayed friends

They can sympathize with a guy doing things to women against their will.

What a two faced piece of shit.

Nigga knows good soul