Sidekicks More Respected And Competent In The Talk Show Game Than Andy Richter 1 of 6,000,000

1  2019-01-02 by literalotherkin


Just watched the episode where Hank beefs with the new band leader. Knowing what we know about Tambor now, that shit had to be the writers fucking with him.

Oh yeah the British dude right? Hank gets all jealous. I don't follow Tambor much though what's the inside joke? (He's all fucking self-righteous and annoying about Trans shit now is all I know.)

He bullied a "lady" on the set of Transparent. Then Jessica Walter had a breakdown when promoting the last season of Arrested Development, talking about him verbally abusing her.

I bet Andy used to get cucked by the black band leader from Leno

Ahehehehe, go on, Jay, hehehehe...

Just an ordinary everyday guy

meat and potatoes

Hank was once disgusted with a prostitute who told him she’d been with Andy Richter. He knew what was up.

I forgot all about that. What episode?

Hanks Sex Tape?

Guy's got a huge cock on him

I think it's when Hank is dealing with his divorce. Season 3, Episode 15 "Next Stop Bottom".

Oh yeah. The episode where Artie brings him a gun to kill himself. I gotta rewatch that show.

Great series. I want to rewatch it again too.

Hey Now!

His meltdown from the running argument he had with Phil about OJ is so goddamn hysterical. Larry Sanders is great.

His fall from grace after the Transparent thing was his best bit by far

Great series. I want to rewatch it again too.

Ahehehehe, go on, Jay, hehehehe...