Seeks sympathy for suicidal thoughts... Wishes death on comedian for telling jokes.

1  2019-01-02 by GregorioThomassoni


Butthole eyes, can't keep a girlfriend, has a Hillary Clinton tat.

He has a Clinton tat? Hmm, maybe she'll die soon.

Had an Ariana grande logo tattoo as well. What a sissy.

When he threatened to commit suicide it was the only he ever made me laugh

You should work for the suicide hotline. You'd literally be being paid to listen to comedy.

If he killed himself it would be the funniest thing he has ever done.

I hope he publically posts a suicide note to Ariana Grande via twitter for the whole world to see.

You laughed? But he pussed out before the punch line!

Are you suggesting that Pete might be something of a disingenuous hack?

Not to jump on Louis' bit from the recent leaked set, but how the fuck did young people become the cultural police officers for offensive shit?

The only thing I can compare it to is the soviet/nazi spy system, where kids would rat on their parents who didn't toe the party line.

At least Pavlik Morozov probably was really mostly myth. These little fuckers are all too real and willing to inform on everyone and everything and they want to. There's no coercion.

You've gotta tune up these whiny little snitches instead of just sucking it up. Make them realize the error of their way like we knew back in the day.

It works. You can bust their dumb little world open if you put it in the right words, and it's as simple as anyting something obvious. It's kinda cool actually, I feel like I have illuminati knowledge.

Have you ever read 1984?

It's exactly like that

Because all leftists are snitches.

Because Gen X are such nihilistic, selfish assholes they didn't raise their kids to value anything, they just expected them to figure it out on their own like they think they did.

Millennials and Gen Z kids are lost, and in their attempt to find meaning in anything. They're discovering there's more to life than not giving a shit, and they're caring too much and losing their rationality.

The popularity of Jordan Peterson displays this perfectly. He's not presenting anything new, you've been able to read what he has been saying for almost 100 years, just pick up some Jung. He's reintroducing the ideas of personal responsibility and values to these lost kids, and they're all eating it up because it's what they wanted to hear from their shitty self-obsessed parents their whole lives.

than not giving a shit,

Like Andy Richter, Judd Apatow and the other faggots we hate really dont give a shit. Face it. Most powerful SJWs are gen X-ers and are only caring so much now as guilt for being so offensive a decade ago. Judd Apatow is a perfect example. Look how much he loved being an offensive kike back in 2008. Hes a solid Gen-xer and a solid faggot.

Most Gen X'ers don't have children that are in their mid-30's to early 40's. Those dipshits are boomer creations.

Fuck you with that generational conflict gayness. When the fuck was Andy born? He’s certainly not Gen X or younger, nigga.

People have been “organizing boycotts,” that went nowhere from the right and left for decades. The difference now is that the internet enables people of all age groups to edit/share shit that pisses them off to rapidly piss off other like-minded people.

Then risk-averse cunts cave. Age/generational attributes has fuck all to do with it. No, I won’t get off your lawn, you old fag.

Andy was born in 1966 so he's Gen X which IIRC was 1965-1979.

Yeah when the only value you show your kids is "hey man let's not judge" and a fake kind of "tolerance" you get that wonderful Christmas photo Cumia did with that teenager and her rich family

(((Media))) was always built to do this to the younger generation.

When there's no guidance, where do you think people turn to? They become reliant on the government.

Government was originally meant to serve the people and society but when you get (((subversive))) elements involved, they turn government into a system of self propagation. They subvert government into a business and something to make a profit off of.

This all starts with usury. Any society that accepts usury will experience short term gain that comes with freer access to capital but will ultimately experience Jewish decay that comes with subversion. In Jewish lore, this is akin to them creating a golem with their financial systems. Jewish people are notoriously nomads though. They, ultimately, can run to Israel when their Western American golem gets to be too big of a bubble and pops.

You were being so coy with your parentheses, you lost it at the finish line. Typical goy not being able to follow through with anything.

lol if I'm using ((())) I'm not being coy.

My trick, when I'm being coy, is to call them globalists or bankers. They're really just kikes.

They were brought up believing they're always right and everything they do matters. No one ever told them nobody gives two squirts of piss about them and they actually aren't required to do so.

Yo when this nigga run thru a doorway he got to hold his lips so they dont get stuck on the door handle


Gangly, cock-breathed faggot.

Oh I get it why he's mad about the Parkland shooting joke, he's la goblina's brother. Look at that fucking face then look at hers. They're the same guy!

A perfect example of generic, malleable, mush-brained pop culture pablum. The pathetic attention-seeking blubbering, the very public relationship with an equally vapid and useless pop star and the accompanying showbiz gossip, all in lieu of actual content and/or talent. This piece of shit is noteworthy because he was fucking Ariana Grande and the only reason anyone knows or cares about that fact is because it's shilled to their "fans" as being meaningful and important somehow, like the entertainment value they provide is in the periphery and not in what they actually "do".

A guy like Louis CK is on the other end of the pop culture spectrum, the scuzzy unclean "underground" side that scares and confuses the conformist assholes who follow the retarded antics of pathetic SNL hacks and cretinous bimbo pop stars like the dutiful little consumer drones they are.


Just kidding, I agree.


I also heard Louis CK tried to get that guy fired. I'm liking Louis more and more.

With those big moolie lips, I don't think Pete Davidson's real father died in the trade center that day. He's milked a career off a fake tragedy

What did he say?

Is the herpes edited on?

I love that this is all he'll ever be known for. Being Ariana Grande's EX fiancé.

He’s no more talented than Kevin federline.

K-Fed was much more likable. Like he knew he was punching out of his weight class when he knocked up Spears.

I can respect that.

For sure. I was rooting for that scumbag.

Pete Faggerson

Until he thows himself through a window at 30 Rock because his popstar ex-girlfriend would rather worship her dead junkie ex-boyfriend than spend anymore time with him.

This guy is done.

Idk if they were so much suicidal thoughts, more like he's a pussy with no real friends and he wanted attention. Very similar to when a 2-year-old throws a temper tantrum when they don't get what they want.

It probably went like this:


Normal Person: Yeah, it's the worst, but it'll get better. How long were you guys dating, and how old are you, Pete? You're kind of acting like a baby.


Also offends a war vet with a dumb joke, gets forgiven.

Louis CK makes a joke, Pete can't handle it.

You should work for the suicide hotline. You'd literally be being paid to listen to comedy.

If he killed himself it would be the funniest thing he has ever done.

You laughed? But he pussed out before the punch line!