Topless photo of Andy Richter's wife, Sarah Thyre

1  2019-01-01 by OperationPolybius


This lady is down with ICP.

Yeah, you know me.

That’s definitely the face of a lady who’s down with the clown.

The hammer gets nailed by negros

Not the best Beefers we've seen

those are a nice set of beefers


No no, Brutus Beefcake was his (her) tag team partner

I was expecting a zoo animal of some sort, but no, this is still funny. Keep up the Andy hate everyone, the reason we're hating him right now itself is pretty hilarious. No matter how many dipshits try to paint us as right wing/free speech sub, what most of us really care about is comedy not being ruined by censorship.

Comedy censorship is the One Ring that binds the truckers, chapofags, 4channers, MDE cucks, tri-state guidos and soundbar enthusiasts.

To think this sub has a direction, leaning or "cause" is such a little dick assessment. Yesterday an argument broke out how we were all "libfags" because we didn't go in on Jews being a global power. Today, we're right wing because we go in on some coattail riding, non stand-up, couch potato.

If you're looking for some sort of community with a conscious, go to the Discord. That always works out well... But this place is closer to a pack of punch-drunk hyenas, looking for the first shin bone to gnaw on for maximum effect because it makes us giggle.

It's fun watching either of the extremes butt up against our sub.

This place is some sort of extremist Thunderdome.

The tired angry outcast masses wander in for shelter, gather strength, then fight to the death.

From now on I want to be referred to as master ass blaster

Yesterday an argument broke out

ewww, what a fag thing to think about

Blame it on the Jews.

70's big.

“Hey Patton? This is Andy. Richter. (sigh) Yeah, fat couch guy - look - I have a problem I think you can help me with. No, no, not... not over the phone...”

ewww..... he's gonna jack him off?

No, kill his wife.

Yea but can she smack on the pattented figure four leg lock?

She definitely fed Andy

Just as modern men of West African descent in America separated for 400 years maintain, despite a severance of any direct communication or cultural influence with their home cultures, their identical pre-historic tribal behavior and habits of social organizing and hierarchy as still seen in Africa today, so the Swedish-German men from Michigan and Minnesota, likewise separated for 150 from their ancestors, display the self-destructive political instincts of Sweden/German cuckolds.

It would pain Uncle Addie to face this truth, but the Germanics must be hybridized with other European ethnicities to sruvive. A millennia of mimicry of Roman legality and civic structure, manorialism, and Christianity has morphed their very genome to include an intractable strain of instinctive cuckoldry.

Happy New Year, you lovable fucking psychopath.

Andy's wife is a feeder and she loves black cock

Buff stavros

It's ma'am mother fucker

Non-ironic neo-Nazi racist bastards aside, I’ve always thought of this sub as primarily anti-faggotry suffragists whose goal is the eradication and/or humiliation of the worst kind of self-obsessed, no talent shitdicks known to mankind—e.g. Sam Roberts and Jim Norton. Let’s not forget the mission. Thank you.

Oh, well we wouldn't want to disappoint you, General.

pssh, yeah youre just mad she wont suck your dick. if she gave you a champion slobjob youd be her best friend n shit

I had sex with an Elvis impersonator that looked identical "except the hair color" Best sex ever 69'd for an hour

Happy New Year, you lovable fucking psychopath.

From now on I want to be referred to as master ass blaster

No, kill his wife.

Oh, well we wouldn't want to disappoint you, General.