Reminder: A 60 year old man with young children considers a People's Court appearance where he denied being a pedophile multiple times despite never being asked his proudest achievement. This has been his Twitter avatar ever since. He had it specially made.

1  2019-01-01 by SpudPeelinJoe


He wins, bitches 🤣🖕

Deal with it.

And he got the girl!

Joe only has one kid

Correction- he didn't deny it.

Just kept saying he'd been accused of paedophilia, over and over again; despite it having nothing to do with the case.

And of course it's a parody of some shitty Chevy Chase movie from 30 years ago that no one has seen or gives a fuck about.

I thought his crowning achievement was "producing" a grainy video of his brother wearing blackface and mugging for the camera like a cut-rate 1994 Howard Stern.

It’s a kangaroo... like kangaroo court... get it?!? Except Joe won, so this would mean that ethically and legally he shouldn’t have. What a fucking dolt.