Fat fuck Andy Richter masterfully owning the right wing dolts by growing soy titties he can use to breast feed his wife's son

1  2019-01-01 by JUSTfmyshitup


When did the fact that soy contains phytoestrogens start being labeled as a conspiracy theory? People have known this for fucking years.

It’s a conspiracy theory that those somehow affect the hormone balance of people. They don’t.

On that I don't know. My understanding is that the science is still unclear on all the risks and benefits of soy but you're still a fag if you buy bottles of liquid soy drink regardless.

I’m sure he took a screenshot of this to impress his pig wife.

She probably monitors all of his activity anyway. Scared faggot.

I’m sure he took a snack and a nap instead.

Even a broken clock eh gang

He’s not even clever. He has the audacity to call someone else lazy? “Icky lady?”

he’s just parroting what he heard his dad mutter under his breath for years before finally coming out the closet

In true fat idiot fashion, he cant seem to pin down his own take on this. Is he saying it's a dumb premise that liberals eat a lot of soy, or that it causes problems, or that those problems aren't actually problems?

Joe calls people "soy boy", so it's used by fat lazy retards by default

anyone who doesn't just say something good like faggot, queer or at least pussy instead of 'soy boy' is a faggot.

That's such a soy boy thing to say.

Yes because insults are always supposed to be literal in every case, right Andy? Why does that one bother you so much, Andy?

People who say "soy boy" are fucking retarded, but I love how he has to throw in "icky lady," implying that not wanting to grow breasts makes men misogynistic. What a clearheaded take, Richter.

Calm down, soy fag.

An icky faggot with a nigglet he thinks he made.

squeal piggy

We're actually getting to him

Even a broken clock eh gang