I thought this was just a gag started by this sub...

1  2019-01-01 by RBuddCumia


In this video (which features slow motion and music from Pulp Fiction) Joe precedes to even record himself popping the needle into his thigh like a junkie from Naked Lunch.

What a fag.

Gayer than gay porn.

Hormone replacement therapy. He's trying to transition into a man.

This is a man with way too much free time on his hands.

Was he wearing eyeliner? What a queer.

you know he got those form the Big Apple Ranch, gays love their steroids

thats kid spit

Low T Joe

The T stands for T-cells

His testing positive for AIDS was floating around here a while ago also

a few too many unlicensed testosterone injections

Looks like old limp dick Joe trying to put some lead in his pencil

He looks like a nigger.

"Looks like"?


Should have been taking his PrEP.

Low-rent Morpheus.

Joe's bisexual biker gang is drug running steroids across the border.


I guess they're interesting enough to make jokes about?

Enough with the hashtags stupid

Joe is an arse and a buffoon.

Who would openly admit to this...if ANYONE else posted this, I'd swear they were just trolling.

A couple more CCs of air into a vein and it’ll be a great to start to the year

Who would think that a guy who has never worked a day in his life and begs his younger brother for money to fund his existence would have low testosterone? Unbelievable!

Way to not overdraw the syringe, stupid.

O'l linguine dick