Andy Richter supports Planned Parenthood because they helped kill Tyrone's baby when his wife cheated on him. Seriously.

1  2019-01-01 by MonsieurObloquy

He and his fat wife split up, she got pumped full of cum by what I'm assuming is a black guy, given their disgusting white guilt, and they killed the baby and got back together. From Wikipedia:

"Richter is a supporter of Planned Parenthood. At a fundraiser in 2016, he referenced abortion services provided in 1992 for Thyre when the couple had split and were each undergoing great personal difficulties."


So that's the story on why they have a black kid? Jesus Christ he is a bigger cuck than I thought.

So that's the story on why they have a black kid?

Isn't this, in fact, the story on why they don't have a specific black kid?

Check the photo of him with his kids.

OP said they killed the baby.

Well, one of them anyway.

Once you're wife goes black....

This is some top class material for us to use.

I won't settle for anything less than a Josh Robert Thompson level meltdown.

Andy is Jabba The Cuck

say what you want about the man but ive never murdered a negro child

No. Never a child. That would be monstrous. Once they turn 18 though, those chocolate treats that walk the corner are fair game.

yeah I’m practically in the klan but even I don’t support abortion of black kids. Take the money the federal government gives to Planned Parenthood and instead use it build a fleet of spacious wooden ships....

I've always said we should offer them reparations in the form of a one way ticket back to Africa..

Yes but they won’t all get first class tickets. Thomas Sowell and Patrice’s mom get to fly Virgin Atlantic, but everybody else will have to fit into the bilges of a fleet of merchant marine freighters.

What the hell makes you think Africa wants them?

Good point, sending them there would be one of the few things that could make Africa even worse.

Well they're killing off farmers for being crackers, so perhaps they simply want more farmers who they can share the hair combs and the particular brand of cigarettes and beer only they enjoy.

Ov vey!

I thought we were shitting on Richter here?

Indeed for all his faults he did murder a negro child.

Damn, never saw this conundrum coming.

You're missing out.

Haha-hol-lee shit

He needs to Oswald this flatso

lmao holy shit he's literally part of the "MY WIFE'S SON!!!!" club ahahahaha

Imagine being the only black kid of 3 with 2 white parents, that's got to be weird.

Lmaooo what a pathetic cuck faggot

Soy smile

where did the black one come from?

Sit down, we need to have the talk...

That shit can’t be real. Is he really raising that young man?

I get that he's upset Tyrone cheated on him, but to kill a child? Not cool.

So he’s telling everyone else how to treat people with words while he literally helped kill a baby. OK. Don’t use naughty hurtful words, but use what has been proven to be an excruciating process to end a human life. Cool. Ignore the baby’s agony but call out jokes. Just wanna make sure we check off all the hypocrisy boxes with this asshole.

Abortion isn't killing a baby.

It's kind of killing a baby.

Okay it's 100% killing a baby.

It's definitely killing a baby, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

During the legal time of abortion there is no baby yet, so there is no baby to be killed.

Conservatives are nuts.

This is what I hate about pro abortion people. You guys wanna kill babies, but don't have the stomach to call it that. There's lots of good reasons to kill a baby, just pick one and stop being so gutless.

I 100% endorse killing babies and have no hang ups about abortion but it's gay to call fetuses babies because that's a propaganda tactic used by the religious nutjobs to prey on emotional weak rubes such as yourself and get them to feel sorry for fetuses. They're not really babies. They are fetuses. There's just a scientific difference.

Fetus is a name for a developmental stage you dumb uneducated faggot. Like 'Adolescent' or in your case 'Infant'

Yes I am talking about that particular developmental stage. Killing a fetus is different than killing an adolescent or an infant. Make sense retard?

Killing a fetus is different than killing an adolescent or an infant.

no, it really isn't you uneducated villager.

Oh time. It would be killing a human being at different times in their lives, science-denier.

But seriously, because you can't really be this ignorant, is this because you paid someone to kill a baby?

I really hit a nerve pointing that pro-life people are statistically less educated and poorer than pro-choice. If you don't see the difference of killing something before it's ever had any life experience you're a screaming child.

I really hit a nerve

You are the nerve.

statistically less educated and poorer than pro-choice

Yes, they've never heard that before, you ignorant dope who just showed up 20 years too late.

the difference of killing something before it's ever had any life experience

If that was the standard then we could kill you right now.

you're a screaming child.

A 'Child' is not a human being. the words are different!

Oof. Nice try dude.

It's called the 'dumbfuck nerve' and it get's especially active in 17 year olds who just discovered r/atheism (or for females like you r/wicca )

Cool dude. I'm not an atheist but you bringing that up just confirms you're a brainwashed religious retard that can't think for yourself. I'd be impressed if you have a high school diploma.

I'm not an atheist but I parrot, line for line, everything that I see them writing over and over again.

You believe I'm smarter than you, better educated and maybe the most important here - I have more real world wisdom and experience. You know that.

You really sound like you're trying to convince yourself that that's true. It's very cringe. I've never visited r/atheism. What am I parroting? Using actual definitions and statistics and explaining propaganda tactics instead of screaming "it's a baby because people say it is you low IQ fucktard! I have such intelligence and life experience. Everyone knows it!" You're embarrassing. Go back to debating Christianity on the internet on subreddits that give a shit, faggot.

it's a baby because people say it is

Yes, that is how it work, you uneducated goof.

And yes, do fuck off for a while. I already allowed you far more time and patience than you deserve.

Yeah smart people use colloquial language when discussing medical science and then make that the new definition of the word. You're just a lost cause. Go away retard. You know that you have an embarrassingly low amount of education. You know this.

Weren't you just told to shut up and fuck off for a while?

Yes you were. Attention getting time is over. Shhushh. Zip it, teenfag

You're type like Joe Cumia. I'll let you think you're smart if it'll lower your blood pressure fag. I said go away retard.



Yes, we call it a baby.

It's called a baby because that is the word people use.

Actual word. Actual definition of a word, you low-IQ fucktard.

It's almost like you're projecting about IQ. I explained in my original comment the reason why you rubes use that word. Educate yourself

Your use of the word doesn't fit with the actual definition of it. That's my original point. Amazed I have to explain this.


Holy shit.. what's next, shoehorning the word 'fallacy' into a reply.

Your use of the word doesn't fit with the actual definition of it

One way you can spot fake-smart people, beside spell-checking, but it's when they think dictionaries are 'instruction manuals' and the really stupid ones find a single definition and declare 'See!' and really believe they just owned hard lol

You are one of those people, dumbfuck. and seriously, you really are stupid. I'm not being a jerk but really, you are not bright.

You know that though.

Yeah actual smart people just latch onto emotions and don't care about definitions. You're beyond retarded I'm sorry it's laughable.

No stupid, people's usage or 'common parlance' decides the definition. Your dictionary is just a list or 'report' of what those are.

Holy fuck, we aren't having a 'he said - she said' but instead I really am outwitting the fuck out of you and showing you in step-by-step ways how and why you fucked up or did not know things.

Yeah the field of medicine uses common parlance to discuss serious medical issues. I'm speechless.

Yes, that was what that meant you stupid halfwit lol wowowwwww

We are discussing a medical issue... you can choose to use common parlance as a real definition during the discussion. You would just be retarded to do so. Did you ever get that GED btw? I've never met a high school graduate that thinks the way you do.


You're a faggot wow

“They’re not really babies”. Wow what a scientific argument you stupid cunt. I will never agree with abortion but in your case I would make an exception. You’re actually the only instance in which I would be 100% pro abortion. In fact, it’s my opinion your mother is a massive cunt for not aborting you, she needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for allowing you to live.

This is what I hate about conservatives. you use disingenuous terms like "pro abortion" to destroy any attempts at rational debate because you don't have an actual argument that isn't based on feels.

I don't like abortion, I just think it should be a choice.

I am pro abortion. There are too many stupid poor people in the world and overpopulation is a real thing.

Sure that's fine, most people are just pro-choice though.

What part of anything I said makes you think I'm against abortion? We have too many people as is.

Did you have your baby killed by an abortionist?

Find a few cells on mars? THERES LIFE ON MARS!

Kill a fetus? ITS JUST SOME CELLS!!

These things don’t make sense.

If you killed those cells on mars you wouldn't be considered to be murdering anything.

It's statistically proven the more uneducated and poor you are the more likely you are to be pro-life. Makes sense to see this kind of retardation around here.

So you’re an elitist cunt who looks down on poor people, surprise surprise. What an all round wonderful human being you are faggot. Do us all a favour and slash your own jugular you irredeemable piece of trash.

Yes, its called a baby.

that's why we say 'shes giving birth to a baby'.

Yeah, it'll be a baby when it's born.

So its a magic thing where the air turns it into a baby.

What about when its halfway out? Its just half-baby.

yeah, that's why women say "i can feel the fetus kicking"

That doesn't happen until abortion is already illegal

So it won't "be a baby when it's born", it's a baby long before that. And also, the baby moving can start as early as 16 weeks, so you are wrong anyway. Abortion is killing a fucking baby. I'm all for it, let's just call it what it is and stop being a faggot.

They fetus doesn't kick under 15 weeks ffs

Most US states start prohibiting abortion after 24 weeks.

24 weeks is a stretch. It should be 18 weeks max. Plenty of time to decide before that.

Yeah it's homicide but we'd be fucked without it

Agreed. We need Chinese and Indian women to start vacuuming out there kids at the same rate we do.

You must be from Canada.


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Don't bother, you won't get through to them. It's just something they think is "Conservative" to rage about. Most have even availed themselves of the service, but have to continue the absurd outrage.

It's because they are woke and you are blind.

I'm not necessarily against killing (certain) babies, but are most women really smart enough to make such a choice? I deem not.

If you abort under 18 weeks it shouldn't be an issue for anyone. You're not killing a baby, you are killing a potential baby.

This is fucking amazing. So much of the cuck meme is hacky, pandering repetition, but it truly astonishes me how these people have no fucking self-respect at all.

each undergoing great personal difficulties

Yes, I would find my wife getting pregnant with another man's child to be quite the difficulty. FUCK

The cuck meme will never die unlike the mostly fashion based soy meme, because the intelligencia will always be full of actual cucks.

I could see the nutless piggy holding her hand on theaborting table

this is more sickening than Oswalt

Holy shit he is much much more vile than I could have ever believed :(

No it was his baby if the baby were black she would have kept it.

Does Planned Parenthood blackmail you into shilling for them if you have an abortion and then become famous? Poor, poor Andy.

Probably a video out there of that pig having a lump of chocolate scooped out of her

I better see his social media filled with black baby killer comments.

I hear that bitch got trash in her pussy

It's not there anymore, she had the abortion.

I remember when the Kermit Gosnell case broke this Andy Kindler guy was vocal in his support of the disgraced abortion doc

I also support Planned Parenthood for killing Tyrone's numerous offspring

Andy "nigga killer" Richter.

Do you think he kept the foetus in a glass jar ?

Fetus is a name for a developmental stage you dumb uneducated faggot. Like 'Adolescent' or in your case 'Infant'

Check the photo of him with his kids.

Damn, never saw this conundrum coming.

“They’re not really babies”. Wow what a scientific argument you stupid cunt. I will never agree with abortion but in your case I would make an exception. You’re actually the only instance in which I would be 100% pro abortion. In fact, it’s my opinion your mother is a massive cunt for not aborting you, she needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for allowing you to live.