Guys, be nice to Andy Richter, OK? His wife is very ugly...

1  2019-01-01 by sandwhich3001


I bet she rides her broomstick right into richter's ass

Is this that gamestop tranny?

Nice burn victim ear hole

Bitch tried to boil Bugs Bunny alive once

"She" has the chin that the worm will never have


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It looks like Popeye.

She looks like the manager from “Rock Band”

Andy looks way more feminine than this creature.

That's Gerard Depardieu and nobody can tell me otherwise.

That profile is rough

I bet Patton wishes he married her. Throwing water on a bitch to kill her is easier and less suspicious than a cocktail of hard narcotics.

Look's like Bunchy from Donovan.

Man Joe Walsh is an amazing guitar player