Joe Cumia: Fat Asshole by a Christmas Tree (Rants about FB ban around @9:00, technical difficulties, a framed Goodfellas photo)

1  2019-01-01 by crookedmile


Killer Ben-Hur opener.

Isn't "Compound East" a fucking condo? This faggot is doing this loud shit with walls connecting to his neighbors? That really is a niggerish thing to do.

There really is no need to amplify the guitar or your voice in a small living room. Hell most small venues shouldn’t amplify the snare drum but they do because louder=better to narcissistic assholes.

He's just not good at playing and singing. He's ok at playing rock guitar songs but he's clunky and awkward rhythmically trying to sing and strum at the same time.

You can improve your rhythm if you just work at it a bit, but then again you know n's and their attitude to work.

Looking fit, Joe!

Who the hell watches this shit? Well other than the autists here that are trying to show how much of a fool that he is.