Where we at with this little faggot?

1  2019-01-01 by Bakersfield__Chimp


His parents belong in jail

Its not entirely his fault. Kids are dumb. Its the parents that should be hung from the highest rafters.

How about hung from the highest rafters and then having the ropes break? Call it an homage to Owen Hart.

If my kid was gay I'd stab him.

Easy there, Tracy Morgan

I mean he said that he doesn't care if he offends gays because they can take dicks in the ass but can't take a joke. It's pretty funny.

Don’t be unreasonable

How do I feel about this before or after I came?

Mother is living some sick fantasy through him. Dad is a cuck. Little faggot will be dead by the time he is 30.

Nature (black bullies) will take its course

sexualization of children. it’s insidious conditioning by (((them))) to normalize pedophilia. most people have a visceral disgust to that sort of thing (except anth) so it’s a hard sell, but one step at a time.

Little faggot needs real parents to beat this attention whoring out of him.

The '' black man, white woman '' combo angers me more.

That sounds like a “you” problem, man.

He/she looks like the female Gremlin in Gremlins 2. So his parent's (they should be euthanized) little sociology experiment has given me a few laughs.

root-beer, caffeine-free and spiked full of hormones

When will women learn that high waist jeans suck?

He was recently hanging out with Michael Alig, faggot cannibal murderer who somehow made his way out of prison alive.

give him a year or so and he'll start losing his looks

If he keeps dressing up like that he'll never get a girlfriend.