i genuinely hope this guy kills himself

1  2019-01-01 by pentrix


I bet that guy wasn't a virgin on his wedding night.

Jew Mexican bad

jew mexican man bad

Statistically speaking, Asian-Americans are superior to Anglo/Saxon/Italian/German/Scandinavian/Irish/Russian/Eastern-European/Any-miscellaneous-“white”-American by every meaningful socio-economic metric.

Therefore, this chink is punching down.

Off with his head!!

It's a tough one because Louie CK is part spic which is a lower level minority but then he's half Jew which is basically above everyone socioeconomically but muh Holocaust as well.

Louie could just save himself a lot of grief if he put out a tweet- Fuck you my people went through the Holocaust.

Who is going to say anything, really? Who wants to be construed anti semitic in 2019 on twitter?

It's a tough one

It really is, man. I mean, like, genuinely. I mean on the one side you're like you want it like that, but on the other I mean it's what it is, you know?


Or no?

It's not like Louis put pee-pee in your Coke.

What is this this a reference to?

A joke often played by the chinese

Translation: Me velly jearous that Rouie CKson show women his egg ro without the radies leaching faw their magnifying grasses! Ah-so!!

The Ah-so really ties it all together

Rodney Rude japanese sword bit.

"But MY thing!"

I love this attitude. He almost has a point because Asians don’t throw shit fits about everything so they get their way less. Oscars so white was just Oscars not black enough.

He just isn’t smart enough to make the point that you just made. He’s “proud” of the racism that Asians face instead of being proud that they don’t whine and bitch like every other fucking group. He was this close to not being hateable.

Asians are all garbage. Half the massage ladies just start jerking me off and I don't even have to ask.

Dum Fuk

Ho Li Shit


I'd tell you if I didn't want him to kill himself.

Sad that even a minority that completely demolishes everyone else in intelligence/wealth still jump on the victimhood bandwagon.

Not every single asian is intelligent and wealthy, stupid.

Are you sure?


But you cannot tell them apart so they might all be the same guy but thats not likely


Shows what you know.

Not every white person is either so the whole victimhood shit is fucking pointless for any race.


Zipperheads are the global majority. They don't just get to show up to a white country and claim to be minorities.

B-but we're victims, too!

Reported to who?

Reported to what you fucking bug? The Racism patrol? Go cook some dog.

By far the most sickening part of the whole retarded statement

Because what he said was factually correct.

'They can squint, God knows they're squinters' - Gob Bluth

Pretty sure Conservatives have been saying affirmative action is unfair for Asians

He wasn’t talking to conservatives, stupid.

He’s right.

You can tell this guy fucks a lot.

Shut it gook

Fucking gooks pretending they're real people again.


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Do my laundry.

It used to be that we priced hard work and accomplishments in this country. Now, our standard of living is so high, despite all the complaints from the poor people (who are fat, have automobiles, cable, computers, and video game systems), that the new cache is victimhood. That’s the new Lamborghini. That’s the new early retirement. That’s the new McMansion in Roslyn New York.

stuff it, gook

It's interesting how "white cis males" are apparently the only group capable of ignoring the social trends and pop culture fads they dislike. I mean I'm personally offended by hip-hop/R&B-laced whore pop, women with enormous freakish dumpers and retarded rappers with tattoos on their faces, so I ignore it, quite easily I might add. But these annoying SJW "woke" faggots cannot do likewise, instead they get all pissy-eyed and whiny about whatever they dislike and blubber about how "something must be done" to protect their delicate feels.

As a global minority I find it problematic that the majority PoC feel so entitled to White spaces, not to mention the Cultural Appropriation of things like the light bulb, automobiles, and sometimes even indoor plumbing.

I can't even.

Shut up micro dick.

They really are dickless.

I used to sometimes go for lunch to this Chinese place that was family run. Mama san and daughter front of house, papa san in the kitchen. Little shithole but great food (always full of chinks.) The 2 women would simper and fawn over me, towering over all of them, while the matriarch would bark orders at her timid husband.

One time the old man was really fucking sick, he could barely stand up, but I strolled in for a late luncheon and it was action stations. The two hooers chattering inanely and touching my arms before pops was practically kicked up the ass out of his chair into the kitchen. I kind of felt bad for him - how little respect he had from his wife and daughter and for himself and how utterly beaten he was - but my Singapore noodles weren't going to cook themselves.

I don't believe your story because I've never seen a Chinese restaurant owner show any human emotions.

If I was going to make something up I would have added that the mother and daughter gave me skull jobs for dessert while the old man sat there crying.

I just saw a picture of a Chinese woman pointing her kids bare ass in a public trash bin to shit and piss.

Blacks and Asians have a weird thing going on.

Shut up chink

small dick energy

it's true but i mean who cares. This past holiday i was surprised there wasn't a twitter trend trying to boycott channels that played a christmas story (fa ra ra ra ra), had it been any other race they made fun of that movie would have been discarded by the mainstream long ago.

how come asians are always only hanging out with other asians? oh what, our dicks aren't small enough for ya??? well FUCK YOU MAN

Reply to his gooky tweets asking how much for him to repair your phone.

Jung ain't hung.

My gym has a cardio room where they show movies & one day they were showing Norbit. I saw an Asian woman next to me & when Eddie Murphy cake onscreen as an old Chinese guy in full make-up & accent I wondered if she would get offended. She was laughing her ass off.

To be fair, that's because we favor Asians to other ethnicities. You never hear Asians yelling on the subway, wearing their headphones around their neck at max volume.

The headphone thing makes we want to high jack a subway with a horse and rope

Ooohhh me chineeeee!

By far the most sickening part of the whole retarded statement