When you wait 30+ years to undeservedly be on the Tonight Show, but don’t even have 4 minutes of material. Lazy hack.

1  2019-01-01 by PottybreakChip


Kelsey Cook's material is better than this shit.

Stick to shitty comedies, faggot

I saw his comedy special on Netflix boy was it shit.

But Gary ... Gary said ... I was reading Gary’s diaries ... and Gary

That doc was good at least

It was too long (just like all of Judd’s other movies), and had too much of Judd on-camera.

Why does this douche insists on being a stand-up comedian? Isn't he a director or some shit? He's supposed to be aware of things.

Well, he's a bad director. His start, his career, is all owed to his ((()))ness

If this guy is so offended by Louis how does he justify being friends with Lange?

The fake outrage fuck machine hasn’t gotten to Artie yet. The day it does, this kike will drop him like a hot junkie potato.

How does he justify his movies made before the 10's.

He's even ripping off Louis's timing

Honestly I’ve thought about this quite a bit and came to the conclusion that if it all blows up Judd will just blame the drugs.

Better to be King for a night, than schmuck for a lifetime.

Is that the name of one his shitty movies?

Somebody gave me a copy of his book once that is all interviews with stand ups. He managed to talk about himself almost the entire time in spite of the that somehow. And he is constantly talking about his own experience in stand up despite the fact that someone like Seinfeld is in the room with him. He’s a complete ass.

I have an idea for a movie.. it's about a fat guy with curly hair who makes a lot of poor choices.

  • Judd Apatow, most likely

...and then fucks my wife.


Doesn’t know what to do with his hands and does Adam Sandler’s voices then a terrible Cosby

“This isn’t a pirate ship, this is Costco dad!”

That’s gold Jerry! gold!

this ugly kike needs to die

His jawline is so weak even that shitty beard can't rectify it.

I was very interested in Shandling, i guess I tuned him out.

Performing jokes for the first time since he stopped when he was 24

Glad someone back them told him he was a talentless hack.

But Gary ... Gary said ... I was reading Gary’s diaries ... and Gary

Is that the name of one his shitty movies?