fuck you and your mother if you don't think the leaked louis ck set is funny

1  2018-12-31 by hanizen


Maybe, but wouldnt you rather live in a world with more content rather than less?

The guy is a freak and a pussy, but i celebrate his comeback in the face of an entire country routing against him.

Happy New Years, dude.

oh wow. i totally misread your post title. it appears i could have simply upvoted and been done w it.

Happy New Year regardless!

It was good. I think he should tackle all of his personal shit more. I kind of hope he attacks SJWs, hypocrisy, fake outrage, the media, fellow comics like Sarah Silverman and Oswalt. And not be political about it. Stanhope is good about not being left nor right. Burn it to the fucking ground. I totally understand why he doesn't though.