I watched bumping mics

1  2018-12-31 by slynsk

And it was just them shoehorning every minority onto the show across 3 episodes



if they had just never done all the pointless cameos, it would’ve been great, but it was just good. I just wanna see Ross & Attell, and really just Attell. But I get that Attell may need a Ross at this point to even sell something, so I’m glad that Ross was involved. It shouldn’t be that way, but it is what it is.

But it seemed like they thought they needed even more star power to get it sold when they should just have the confidence that they only need each other. The show should just be Dave & Jeff fucking with each other on stage and behind the scenes and doing crowdwork, Dave doing some standup and Insomnia like segments and if there has to be a celebrity then let Ross roast them with Dave waiting like a sniper with tags. I guess that’s what they were going for but the celebrity cameos kept taking me out of it like it was Don Drysdale appearing on the Brady Bunch. But it was good and I was happy that Attell finally got some shine again and glad that Ross helped him get it.

Got any more adderall?

Attell is still in my top six of all time.