Andy Richter is a fiercely loyal guy. Genuinely.

1  2018-12-31 by thrillated


There's a lot of funny people in this photo, Richter is not one of them

You know Andy is a big fan of gay porn.

Andy Richter? The Swedish German?

never forget that he didn't mention Norm as one of Conan's all-time best guests either.

Well, Norm did call him out for his love of gay pornography.

Louie looks exactly like a guy that would jerk off on women. I hope he can get back to it.

I'm just glad Bob Odenkirk isn't a lameass.

I wouldn't be so sure about that:

I still like Better Call Saul though.


But I'll start feeling real disappointed when he starts writing op-ed's and non-stop deliberate humorless tweets.

(I really hope this hasn't been happening already)

Ah, the days when Andy used to shout nigger before every writers meeting. Now he's lecturing people on what they can and can't say.

Some comedy rockstars in that group. And Andy Richter.

Imagine all the distasteful jokes he heard Louie say behind the scenes but never had the balls to say anything until now when he knows Louie can't say anything back.

Is that Bah Bodenkirk on the left?

Tom Green and Keanu Reeves' retarded butt baby on the right

John Wick-ed retarded.

Jimmy McGill Saul at far Left.

The Handsome Boy Modeling School.