This is Andy Richter. If you like wackiness and hilarity it's impossible not to love this man!

1  2018-12-31 by unclepaul84


A nobody, self hating fat guy who never got above charity jobs from friends. He never did anything funny, original or entertaining that wasn't handed to him on a silver platter.

Conan is an unfunny traitor, but at least he was funny 20 years ago for awhile. This coattail riding fat faggot takes up space on a couch and is there for people to bounce fat jokes off.

Why is Conan a traitor? I haven’t been paying attention

The right was mass triggered when Conan disagreed with the god emperors “shithole” comments.

Disagreed? The faggot went to one of the shittiest countries in the world, posted pics of himself at resorts, and did it all as a "fuck white people" campaign that didn't work.

See, you’re highly emotional and Quite triggered already. Conan has never been a “fuck white people” person.

"Has never been" ceases to be a factual statement when he actually does it. You sound exactly like Cumia, poorly fending off what you presume are your political enemies. You're wrong and mad at me because of it.


He went to Haiti to set the record straight and show how they are all good people, yet anyone can find the truth in 5 seconds.

Sexual violence in Haiti is a common phenomenon. Being raped is considered shameful in Haitian society, and victims may find themselves abandoned by loved ones or with reduced marriageability. Until 2005, rape was not legally considered a serious crime and a rapist could avoid jail by marrying his victim.

You can't even say it's a small percentage of the population that are bad. It takes the entire society to be bad for those conditions to exist and for so many people to look the other way when it comes to rape the child slavery.

Jimmy Fallon cancelled Norm and released a statement condemning him for saying on Twitter that the #metoo thing was out of hand and ruining people's lives with no chance to defend themselves.

Conan didn't even release a statement, just removed him from booking and refused to address it. He hasn't been on since. I expect that shit from faggot Fallon but Conan has decades of experience with Norm and apparently zero loyalty.

Conan did recently gush on the Bill Simmons podcast about how Norm was the best guest ever and about what separates him from all the other guests.

I think it was probably Norm that cancelled. He also didn’t appear in Adam Carolla’s podcast which he was also scheduled. Joe Rogan also said that Norm was supposed to be in his podcast but Norm’s team put a stop to it.

Norm would make Rogan look silly. Rogan's lucky it was canceled.

Remember when he left the show to pursue an acting career, what a clueless retard.

Conan is an unfunny traitor

hell yeah dude

Cheers from, Haiti!

Fat fuck loser who should be worried about his weight at his age. Not the state of comedy. Don't these fat fucks ever get the hint that they're seriously playing the lotto each day they wake up past the age of 45?

Andy Richter doesn't take half a baby aspirin every day, he takes half a baby elephant aspirin.

Nice glasses, stupid.

Those glasses are straight off a woman's corpse from 1963.

Anyone who wears those deserves a beatin

He's gonna knock old white men down a peg

He's more likely to get pegged.

He looks like someone who needs their hard drive raided

I’ve seen lesbians with more testosterone than this pile of skin

He's trans-itioning to a fat woman.

I hope he dies of tubercilosis.

ya know what duuude you got your applause sign, you got your comfy chair just off camera, boom you're a social commentator

Probably an elite pedophile, because if he wasn't famous he looks like he'd be a pedo anyway hoarding cp.

What a grotesque, unmasculine blob.

He is not gay or anything. He is just really really into gay porn (Norm Macdonald Shitting on Andy compilation)

So you're anti-louis post gets downvoted so you decide to attack the other anti-louis people to get your karma back? Faggot

Flaming faggot

Dumb fat faggot

Chubby Hackett.

Bargain Bin Drew Carey.


Am I the only one who has no idea who this fatso is?

Is he wearing a donut mouth guard?

I didn't expect I'd hate Andy Richter this week, but here we are.

Is that the face he makes when he's done prepping the bull?

Jesus. This carb faced cum junkie looks like a prop in a Chip Chipperson podcast.

Is he transitioning into a lunch lady? No wonder he took so much offense to Louis' set.

Nice glasses madam

The right was mass triggered when Conan disagreed with the god emperors “shithole” comments.

Jimmy Fallon cancelled Norm and released a statement condemning him for saying on Twitter that the #metoo thing was out of hand and ruining people's lives with no chance to defend themselves.

Conan didn't even release a statement, just removed him from booking and refused to address it. He hasn't been on since. I expect that shit from faggot Fallon but Conan has decades of experience with Norm and apparently zero loyalty.