Audio of a New Louis C.K. Set Has Leaked, and It’s Sickening

1  2018-12-31 by urprobsmkemydicksoft


How does one "leak" a public show?

It’s Sickening ,It's Pissening , it's sick , it's piss , Order 66 on Lewis . Elmers glue , sticky bandits .

haha suffocate in louies freckled cum powerless queers

this rules

I love that most of the people writing these articles are white males

(((the conditioning works )))

They’ll sing a new tune when the shit keeps snowballing and they eventually get run over too.

What a bunch of faggots.

These pearl-clutchers are doing exactly what Louis needed, driving his original fans (like us) back to him.

They did the same thing with the 2016 election. They don't seem to understand that the 99% of Americans who don't spend 16 hours a day on the internet don't get off on being offended by everything.

We are the 1 percenters



can’t let those scumbags try to motherfuck him again.