Oh look, a real friend defends Louis' new standup. Still radio silence from the worm.

1  2018-12-31 by iPadsFromPizzaFace


For real, the worm is so scared of liberals and having a backbone for once.

No one cares what opie, anthony, or jim think on any opinion. They're irrelevant. Anthony said he'd fuck 13 year olds on live radio and nothing happened.

Opie makes and breaks comics

makes and breaks

No. Made and broke, maybe, sure.

He hasn't even begun to peak

oh jesus the fuck christ stop it

Whats eatin ya brothaman?

im starting to long for the days when the opie bit was funny and not a chore

fawk sorry, i never know when people are being sarcastic

To paraphrase the great Robert Evans, the name Opie gets ink in this town, baby.

and rapes them too

used to.

Supporting Louie CK is a negative, not a positive.

you support testicles in your mouth

Keep dreaming.

i dream about girls who dont already have testicles in their mouth

Eat a cock

Why are you here?

They closed the incel subs and mde. He's got nowhere else to go :-(

Well i'm jim's defense, it's tough man.

Norton's gotta check and make sure this is a legit comeback or not, can't gamble that precious mainstream credibility he's acquired over the years by by betting on the wrong pony here!

Lou will 100% do opie and ant's show

He might have a scheduling conflict for chip though

Louie never respected Opie or took him seriously. Listen to old bits. Who could? Besides you fucking idiots that follow this bit.

Louis CK called in multiple times for Opie's birthday. Nice try with the hate, tho.

Louie called in a lot because he was a loyal fan. You can hear it in his tone though that he never really liked Opie. Nice try with the bit tho.

Yeah, a fan of the OPIE & Anthony show.

After he kicked him while he was down? Yeah, Opie is a great guy..

Pedophelia, sex crimes, lying about the deviance, hating white people, hating men, supporting Hillary Clinton, “comedy” about being pathetic.

You guys sure picked a good guy to support.

When is this sub going to stop pretending and just come out as the establishment left wing faggots you are?

you should say it more with more words then everyone will like you

The only question is where this behavior stems from. Are you majority niggers/spics or Jewish? Clearly this behavior stems from one or the other.

nope im a big tall aryan god who loves a good chuckle

And you support an anti white, anti man, pedohpile. What kind of kike cock are you choking on at the moment?


Well, I'm convinced.

Christ are you a fucking idiot or what.

We support humor you stupid piece of shit. By supporting Louis, we are shitting on that worm Norton, that is the only reason behind it. A child could see that.

You want to shit on some deviant hack comedian by supporting some other deviant hack comedian?

How can you shit on Norton when slamming Louie when he was down was the most noble thing Norton's ever done?

Take a look in the mirror and see who you are enabling.

There's no way you can be a decent human being and a Louie CK supporter.

How can you slam Anthony taking advantage of women yet you turn a blind eye to a scum bag like Louie CK.

Reeks of politics here.

LOL, enabling?

You are approaching Joe levels of idiocy here. I am not supporting Louis at all, I am laughing at Norton and what a fucking worm he is.

Louis CK is a liberal Mexican faggot. Does that help your slow mind see that I cannot stand him, never could really? BUT why the fuck not take a moment and shit on Norton. I am not here on this sub for values or liberal/conservative principles, I am here to mock a bunch of losers that used to be the Opie and Anthony "universe". That is it.

The only politics here is humorless cunts like you that come here whining about it when there really is none.

Louis CK is a liberal Mexican faggot.

Yet Norton is bad for criticizing him.

And I'm approaching Joe levels of idiocy here?

Get some consistency. Any consistency.

Is Louis CK is a liberal Mexican faggot or not?

You say he is, therefore, how can slamming him and taking him down a notch be anything but a good thing. If you really felt that way, you'd be happy about Jim's treatment of him.

Applaud Jim for doing something decent for once. Slam Jim for the other hundreds of things he does that makes him a pathetic worm.

You're really stupid if you don't understand this but the more likely thing is that you support a lot of CK's positions deep down.

Hey now leave Anthony out of this.

It's not about liking Louis. He's being a phony right now because he never wanted to be stuck doing the comedy he was in 2006. It's defending against hypocrisy by these people. Remember they used to love his jokes like "How are you going to know you're acting like a faggot if I can't call you a faggot?" and now minor shit like a pronoun joke sets them off.

Is he being a phony now that the left has disowned him? It's like he's reverted back to his pre 2006, recently divorced self.

I still think he's a massive faggot for thinking the Hollywood elites would accept a fat, bald, white Mexican but he's always been a liberal. He hated Bush and Hillary back in the day and was always into arsty/intellectual bullshit.

He never wanted to be this type of comedian. Before anybody knew who he was he was making arty movies that never went anywhere. But now he has no choice if he wants to continue doing comedy. The liberal fan base can never get enough apologies. So he'd be stuck having to do closers about how awful he was doing that.

When you listen to old O&A he never enjoyed doing that type of comedy. Patrice, Burr, Vos, Otto, Bobby and others sounded like they were having fun being tasteless. Louis sounded like he was a guy just doing his job and hoping he could branch out into something high brow. He was happy being the respected writer/actor/comedian and in with that crowd. That was the real Louis CK, he's hating having to "regress" for an audience.

I never thought of it like that, you're a perceptive motherfucker.

You make a really good point. The only time Louie sounded happy in studio was when he was launching into a bit.

Are you not well? How the fuck is this place left wing establishment?

Have you been on this sub the past 2 years? This sub is definitely left wing and is pushing further there more every time I come back.

Where do you go in the meantime, stormfront?

We use nigger openly and shit on feminists, Muslims and everyone else the left seeks to protect, how is this sub left leaning? Just because someone doesn't think Jews run the planet through gay hypnosis doesn't make them a liberal

Yeah that's right, we go there. We say kike, nigger, all of that as long as its cloaked in irony. But don't you dare mention the fact that the Jews have taken control of all western institutions and are responsible for all of the problems facing the west from feminism, mass immigration, political correct culture. Because THAT is genuine racism and we don't play that here you fucking bigots.


Being conservative in politics and thinking the Jews are lizard people putting mind control radios in your dental fillings don't necessarily go hand in hand

Where did I say Jews were lizard people you cocksucking faggot?

Ever heard of the Frankfurt school? Ever heard of the Kalergi Plan? Fucking kill yourself you faggot

Educate me on that school and that plan.

The plan to make America and Europe less white? Which has been more than successful if you've been paying attention

I mean America has become less white with every passing generation since 1789; over time, non white Europeans and other ethnicities got more and more rights and started immigrating to the country in mass. If this was a Jewish plan then they really had their claws in American politics early, like before America was even an country

It's not gay hypnosis, it's just over representation in academia, entertainment, media, government and law...

Wait -- did I just miss the point?

I actively recruit posters here to become communists but that makes me anti establishment.

This subreddit is full of left wing liberal faggots

Half full. The other half are Klan members. Perfect balance.


Sorry did i hurt you by not agreeing with you, ya fuckin mary?

Yeah and there is no one here calling jews like Danny a kike, or Nia burr a nigger gorilla?

The only right wing I see around this sub is the kiked up and spic version which is subversive to actual conservativism. Usually this type of slime ends up being ‘never Trumpers’. This is the same part of the establishment as all liberals.

subversive to actual conservatism

Yeah, you're just in the wrong place bro.

Do you like Joe and Anthony? Do you think they are upstanding people that promote traditional conservative values?

They are bumbling fools but at least they try. Louie CK is a subversive kike and a spic.

Anthony Cumia wants to fuck 13 year olds. He knows the age of consent in many states, and crosses state lines to fuck the youngest girls possible. He has strangled and bitten a junkie girlfriend. Yeah, real human.

They are ALL scum, and we laugh at all of them here. Louis CK is a piece of shit. So is Norton. So the sub pretends to support Louis to shit on Norton. If you think most of us here like Louis, then you really aren't that bright.

Eh 13 year olds were the norm for like thousands of years. Evolutionary speaking, finding a 13 year old attractive isn't that insane. Younger than 13 gets to be dangerous territory. He finds something attractive that men found attractive for like 95% of human existence until the moral police told us we're not allowed.

Louie CK openly attacked white people. Men. Argued for pedophilia. I'm not even going to touch his sex crimes. Shilled for Hillary Clinton.

Eh 13 year olds were the norm for like thousands of years. Evolutionary speaking, finding a 13 year old attractive isn't that insane. Younger than 13 gets to be dangerous territory. He finds something attractive that men found attractive for like 95% of human existence until the moral police told us we're not allowed.

Yo, this nigger fucks children fam

Eh 13 year olds were the norm for like thousands of years. Evolutionary speaking, finding a 13 year old attractive isn't that insane.

People were wondering where you go when you aren't whining here. Now we know, child fucker.

Aaaaaaaaaaand there it is

Opie seems like a good guy.

Soy boy mental breakdown incoming.

Jeez, you really stuck it to us. You truly are a Shepard amongst sheep, faggot

Nah, fuck Louis. He was part of the machine that got the #MeToo movement going. Fuck him.

this whole thing is just awkward to watch. I don't even really hate him, but his schtick is played out and he did this to himself. Should have stayed in France lol.

I appreciated that he did this. However, I don’t think it’s news or even really that impressive to be a better person than Jim Norton and Anthony cumia. I’m sorry, but this is just another distraction from the fact that opie has made a career in comedy radio shows and has never actually said anything funny. Appreciate him defending Louie though that’s some real ass shit

He recognizes funny. That's how he single handedly created the O&A empire.

Did Louis go after Amy or something?


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the worm squirms in silence

This makes me miss the old Louis CK appearances on O&A, which Opie would comedically enhance by playing the "I Saw The Soin" clip in its entirety multiple times per show

That should have been referred to the OHCHR over human rights abuses. Literally torture

He's a standup guy, that Opie. I cant believe we had it wrong all along :/

"i didnt think his apology was enough to be khumpleetly hawnest wit cha"

get cancer faggot

Face turn complete

Hes a come from behind kinda guy.

Jim hasn’t seen it


Beautifully said Opester

Eat shit queer.

He's not wrong. Norton used to suck Louis' dick every time he was on the show. The Wurm is spineless

Only bone in his body belongs to a Nord

Opie and Luis trashed Louie hard when this all came to light. Opie is a faggot that kicks people in the knees.

The first ironic, now totally genuine Opester love is the best thing that has ever happened to this sub, and it's paying off now that Opie has seen it and felt the love. In the beginning of that set Louie has a joke about finding out who his real friends were, and how they weren't the ones he would have chosen (Ant, Opie, Stanhope). I really hope this blow up doesn't scare Lou back into mediocrity.

Jim's mother fucked now. If he defends Louie now it will look extremely insincere. Kinda like his entire personality.

Jim was asked if he saw Louis' new set and I should tell you the fucking 'whowhatnow?' face and body language was punchable enough.

Then he suddenly was kinda busy 'not thinkin' because he was looking around for someone he was supposed to show up and he 'had their keys' as he pretended to be shuffling in pockets and looking elsewhere.. so fucking punchable..

..and then, avoiding eye-contact and somehow losing the ability to enunciate, Worm garbles out:

"uhh.. oh fuck ya, no, ya, I heard it was ya.. no, some of the guys backstage were listening to it but I hadda go so I haven't heard it it straight through yet but ya.. i mean it had to be tough for him, i mean its tough, what's he gonna do and if he does this then someone says that and if he doesn't then ya but man I dunno, I'll see if someone has a copy because its.. "

Then someone sitting right beside him says "I have it right here on my phone.." and Worm, who started tying his shoelaces while talking suddenly cranes his head towards the window as if someone walked by and cuts that right off announcing "Oh shit.. I think I see him.. gotta get some keys from.. ya there woop I think he's walking past.. okay gotta catch im.. okay see ya later guys" as he slides out and fake fast shuffles to the door. He even blurps out something like "ya save that Louis thing for flababba sumthin blabafla..."

After the door jingled shut, one new comic asks the other two "hey, is it true Norton doesn't even own a TV?" and an older comedian replies "if he does its strictly for watching porno's on. Which confused the kid like it made no sense to him.

Then, having nothing to do with anything and just sheer odd timing and coincidence, Bobo Kurlan walks past the restaurant like a dummy on his way to nowhere. Someone says "Is that Bobo?" and they all start laughing really hard because he really did look like a dummy.

By the way, Worm listened and watched the entire Louis CK governors set from start to finish on someone's phone and was even commenting on it, saying things like "believe me.. THAT is whats going to piss them off" about 3 different times and asking the group huddled around the phone "wait..what did he say.. i didn't hear it" about 17 times like an annoyance and at least once bellowing "HA HA HAAAoohhhshit That is Fuckin great!"

This faggot sold out Louis more than Jim did you dorks.

The only right wing I see around this sub is the kiked up and spic version which is subversive to actual conservativism. Usually this type of slime ends up being ‘never Trumpers’. This is the same part of the establishment as all liberals.

Eh 13 year olds were the norm for like thousands of years. Evolutionary speaking, finding a 13 year old attractive isn't that insane. Younger than 13 gets to be dangerous territory. He finds something attractive that men found attractive for like 95% of human existence until the moral police told us we're not allowed.

Louie CK openly attacked white people. Men. Argued for pedophilia. I'm not even going to touch his sex crimes. Shilled for Hillary Clinton.

Eh 13 year olds were the norm for like thousands of years. Evolutionary speaking, finding a 13 year old attractive isn't that insane. Younger than 13 gets to be dangerous territory. He finds something attractive that men found attractive for like 95% of human existence until the moral police told us we're not allowed.

Yo, this nigger fucks children fam

Eh 13 year olds were the norm for like thousands of years. Evolutionary speaking, finding a 13 year old attractive isn't that insane.

People were wondering where you go when you aren't whining here. Now we know, child fucker.

Opie seems like a good guy.

Eat shit queer.

Aaaaaaaaaaand there it is

The plan to make America and Europe less white? Which has been more than successful if you've been paying attention