The Blue Check Marks are Sperging about Louis CK

1  2018-12-31 by ilumty


Holy shit what a faggot.

This dudes self righteous faggotry wouldn’t exist without anti bullying campaigns.

That's bullshit. There weren't anti-bulling campaigns 20 years ago and most of these guys are 40+. They were still beating up faggots back when Patton Oswalt and Sam Robert's were in school.

I was in high school in the late 2000's and dodgeball was banned in like 08. We still threw kids in dumpsters all in good fun, not specific targeting. But I specifically remember an increase in the presence of feminine talking fat-gulleted pussies around that time.

I guess maybe the recently woke fags have multiplied because they're a gay echo chamber.

in the late 2000's

look at these guys they went to high school back in the 90s

And they were probably in hiding until this recent cultural change encouraged them to come forward because the bad man isn't going to rip his underwear out from inside his pants anymore.

Is it any surprise that someone that looks like this is such a faggot?

"This pic of me drinking a cup of coffee will look super cool as my twitter avatar."

Im not the same balding bearded glasses guy as everyone else with my exact opinions, i have a hat on and im drinking coffee

He should have put his Nintendo Switch in his other hand so he could be even more unique.


Who are these nobodies?

Verified Twitter users are statistically most likely to be New York bloggers.

This is why I hope we never have another world war. We're such thorough pussies now that we'd be completely fucked.

Nah, there’s plenty of psychos in the south and Midwest just praying for the opportunity to kill people different than them, they’re just not as vocal on social media as the NY/LA pussies.

The only people they want to kill are the people on Twitter.

I support this.

Could be sick

New Wave Pearl Clutchers.

Npc zeroes

twitter is cancer

...the core audience that will be receptive to your comeback is comprised of terrible people.

...tolerant, forgiving people who enjoy laughter - unlike you, you Puritanical fuck.

It's like the Name of the Rose in that mug's head

That is one of the worst twitter accounts I’ve ever seen. Guy starts tweets with “like, ...”

So he's a chick

Andy Richter tweeted:

“You know what’s the worst, most boring kind of comedy? The kind where older white men are angry that older white men can’t do or say whatever the fuck they want anymore.”

I’m just thinking, 25 years ago Andy was Conan’s sidekick & Louis was a writer. Since then, Louis became one of the biggest comedians in the world...playing arenas, winning awards, earning millions...while Andy is still Conan’s sidekick. OH, but on basic cable now. So maybe he’s not the one who should give Louis advice on his comedy??

No he's right. You shouldn't be allowed to say what you want anymore ( if youre a white man that is)

Even worse, the pathetic putz left Conan to make a big name for himself and completely failed so badly that he came back a decade later to Conan on his knees begging for his old job back. Meanwhile, Louis left Conan 5 years earlier even though he was offered the showrunner position and emerged as one of the 10 most famous standups of all time. And, oh yea, the prime of Conan’s career was undoubtedly the 10 years he wasn’t burdened with Andy.

There is no bigger disappointment in comedy than Andy Richter. That guy is actually funny, but getting older and seeing who he really is on Twitter, such a bummer. It’s like Anthony but the other way.

He has been a desperate white knight self hating man since twitter started. Its fucking gross and pathetic

It’s like Anthony but the other way.

Thats actually a really good description.

while Andy is still Conan’s sidekick. OH, but on basic cable now.

'still' would be bad enough, as in, he just kept with the gig earning easy money. I wouldnt hold him against that. The fact is, he tried to go out on his own, failed miserably, and had to go crawling back to be his sidekick.

This plus I really believe he is miserable or accepting of that. There was this interview he did where he briefly talked about how he wanted to be his own man. He didn't want to be an Ed Mcmahon and hated being a sidekick and wanted to be known for him. Wish I could find it.

jesus christ, CK making them react this way should be his new goal

One faggot tweeted "It's so weird how every comedian who talked up women and feminism like Louis CK and Aziz Ansari did became openly reactionary after their predations were exposed"

Yeah, they should totally stay loyal to the people who want to end their careers and ruin their lives by acting like they were on par with Bill Cosby. That makes sense.

It does expose Aziz and Louis as insincere with their faggotry, though. Why would they spout all that equal rights shit if they weren't going to live by it. My father once told me; if you're going to be a faggot, you need to go all the way or nowhere at all

They said it to get laid. Or in Louis's case get naked and jerk off in front of them. Most of that shit is fake. Geeky comedians have no alternative than to try to be a super feminist if they want pussy. They're ugly, scrawny nerds with bad social interaction skills.

My father once told me; if you're going to be a faggot, you need to go all the way or nowhere at all

Was your dad related to Mel Gibson? The guy sounds all right.

Id love to slap that soy latte out of his hand

Liberals are so conservative these days. Louis' set was great. I think this guy wanted him to pull a Gadsby and talk seriously about what happened.

The stupid thing is you know Louis is building up to that. When it’s time to release a special, he’ll have his Nanette 20 minute chunk about what a douche he was.

I doubt it. He seems pissed at how he was treated. I really hope you are wrong on that one.

It would be amazing if he just doubles down and says fuck you to all these celebrities faggots. He could sell out a nationwide tour pretty quickly and rub it in their faces.

He could go the way he started: self-publishing through his website. He made a more than good living from that.

Notice all the low iq brown and black sheep of the marxist jew. With all their silly hats and nice shirts, coffee from approved vendors with approved opinions.

The marxist jew is a cancer on the earth. Always looking to cause turmoil in their host nation by using race relations as a platform

silly hats and nice shirts


Twitter is so fucking gay

Louis CK didn't seem to change from who he was before the scandal. I don't really see it. And I'm glad that he isn't apologetic. He seems to openly feel mistreated.

Gary on Twitter is a boring moralizing cocksucker without substance and of no use to anyone, but he actually feels like he has the answers to everything. He's also a fucking hack. Some wormy faggot would rightly say that his coffee mug should be taken away with a shotgun blast.

We really need a nuclear war.

Let's test first. Gimme your gps coordinates.

Louis is actually more of "himself" now than he has been for 5 years...

Oh no... is this how the whole O&A show resurfaces and gets them all in trouble?

Louie blows loads funnier and more talented than these vultures trying to tear him down because it's hot now. They don't care about anyone but themselves and are glomming onto social movements to advance themselves. Also at least 1/4 of the Cumtown fans are this guy.

He's such a faggot, I bet there's a hole cut out of the bottom of that cup with a dick in it.

All these blue-check Mark people cosplaying as publicists telling Louis how he should handle his career—if Louis joined Twitter he’d have more followers than all of them in a week (most he would have more than in a couple of hours)

< Some, like me, aren't interested in supporting his comeback in any way. But many would have accepted him back if he appeared contrite and his material reflected that.

Cause that's what people want a contrite apology in a comedy set, what an absolute faggot

Bring back bullying


The Blue Check Marks

Well someone's a Sargon fan isn't he?

Like the rest of them, he has absolutely no idea how to respond to actual arguments from the other side. They hate the NPC meme but it’s frighteningly accurate. I hate the right as much as I hate the left, but I’m going to vote Republican every single fucking time until the left gets its head out of its ass. They must be stopped. Must be. I will vote for an idiot before a tyrant every time.

People trying to inherently politicize "NPC" like cuck are worthless, they are both perfect apolitical insults that hits the people it describes uncomfortably close to home regardless of all the tribal social media partisan LARPing they wallow in.

Gary sums up what Twitter is to me. Insufferable fag. I hate you Gary.

blue ticks are the yellow stars of 21st century schizoid men

I can't decide what's worse. His forced pose picture, him masquerading his opinions as social fact, or the Disturbed banner. Somehow I'm leaning towards the latter.


We can still see you have a fat face Gary. The coffee cup doesn’t hide that.

BREAKING NEWS: Person with no sense of humor feels qualified to lecture others about comedy.

Anyone that starts a paragraph with “Like,” is a faggot.

It is ALWAYS a dorky white guy in his late 20s, with a beard and Buddy Holly glasses. Never fails. Twitter, protests, hidden camera footage...every fucking time. They all look exactly like "this" guy.


95% of the whiny faggots in tears over Louie's set didn't even hear it.

Let's test first. Gimme your gps coordinates.

Verified Twitter users are statistically most likely to be New York bloggers.