You know what Dudddee, you got ya profile, you got ya summary BOOM I’m looking for the love of my Life dude

1  2018-12-31 by NetherMoore


Kelly Robert

I broke my heart dude

hold my hand man

She's on her third fat

Holy shit it's really him.

She sent me a message saying she’ll suck my cock for a steak dinner

Try to film it then send it to Bobby

She has to wear the big Larry David’s dad in Curb glasses though.

Bang bang

And like the real Bob Kelly, she'd be kinda cute at the right weight.

"Did you just misgender me, dude!?" - Kicks over boxes

Whereeee we goin

You are kind of an asshole for posting this here, but also perceptive.


Bet Bawby got bigger tits.

Tibetan lesbian on couch

Nice screenshot, stupid.

I hate long walks on the beach or anywhere else, DDDDDDDDEWD

We all know how hawt she was when she was skinny, dude.

Where's Dame Cook?

Buzz’s girlfriend! WOOOF!!

This is basically 99% of the bitch's on Plenty of Fish or most dating sites. They expect a millionaire to marry them. Most of them will let you fuck them in the ass on the second or third date though. But that woman is just gross. I met a bitch on there that was really good at basically everything sexually, then I found out she had half black kids and her ex-husband was a black man that left her for a man. Dumped her as soon as I found that out. In less than two years she turned into a "you missed it you big fat pig".

tsssss more like plenty of fucking pigs or sumtn

I take it you didn't catch anything? With her husband smoking pole and what not.

Thankfully no.

I've been there. Thankfully you didnt. Did you get along with the kids? They should not bear the brunt of their Mother's whore ways.

Yeah they were I think 4 and 6 at the time. And they were fun and seemed to like me. She only had them on the weekends so that just solidified me knowing what a gross whore she was. I've never known of woman having that little custody of their children unless they are just taken away by the state entirely.

Great point. A woman has to be the ultimate piece of shit to get her kids taken away. At least you got anal out of it (Mom, not kids)

Just some light-hearted ribbing from his Reddit buddies.

Let's not forget, he is a race traitor

Keeping it classy

You should marry her for the bit.

that is hilarious.

If you really cared about this sub you would start dating her and take it as far as getting engagement photos with inside jokes.

OP, stop being selfish. Think of our enjoyment, and who knows, she could be that special someone

Titty mountain highway tour.

Vital Information For Your Everyday Life

Nice wig, fatso.

Ahhhhh shit, i don't wanna jerk off again today.

Why are you ghosting me, stupid.


I wonder if she makes the Bob Kelly puke/gag noises when sucking your cock?

This is especially funny because she is cuter than 75% of the girls people on this sub have been with

Wow the sadness I feel in my soul for anyone that finds her more than a 1 on the ten scale. Inceldom is real apparently

Nice repost, stupid.

That's gotta be the Tibetan-Drug-Smuggling-Crossdressing Mingle

Barbara Kelly