
1  2018-12-30 by ISO__JOE


100% disaster shits everyday

He’s harmless you guys are just being mean

He teaches impressionable young people that it's okay to be buttfuckingly, bottomlessly, unendingly, abjectly stupid. That's far from harmless.

I retroactively wish the Cuban Missile Crisis had erupted into an apocalyptic nuclear war, so that this idiot's parents would have been vaporized before they could conceive him.

Aint that somethin

Don't be haters!

and 100% tryhard.

It’s hard work being so hateful all the time brothaman

does his hat say 'strip club' something

choke on your shitty spic meat clown

he's actually not bad, i listened the FREE opie podcast and he was trashing his autistic brother, quite funny

Get out

I'm gonna need a link to prove that, sir.

can't be arsed looking for it

i'm sure it's one of the earlier ones "carl ruiz interview" something like that

I can't blame you. He is a worthless piece of human garbage.

My apologies for asking you to waste time on him.

I've never seen a man work so hard at always hiding his bald head. This guy must have 400 hats on rotation.

I've brought this up before but I can't help but do it again. He has a hat suitcase. It's a real thing and he has one.

And that suitcase is shaped like a hat.

If I hadn’t seen it before I wouldn’t believe this

He loads up hats in there like old people and those weekly pill containers, his life literally depends on it.

You say that like it makes me a bad person.

Do any of them fit him properly?

What a coincidence that all hat enhtusiasts are bald.

I actually like this dude. He’s pretty good at podcasting and I haven’t found a reason to not like him yet.


(skip to 15:13 if the timestamp doesn't work on your ColecoVision)

doesn't work on your ColecoVision


Nobody would be the least bit surprised if there was human meat on that tray.

Soylent Green??

Shirt says "0% Vegetarian"

Plate has an onion on it

Nice try, shitdick.

Nice math, stupid.

He’s aight

Carl has been completely absent from this sub for months. I honestly forgot he existed

Lucky you

It was fun harassing him on Twitter a couple years ago when this retard didn't know how Twitter threads actually worked.

His ex wife had fat tits.

He was married to Ben Shapiro's sister?

He fucked Mrs Chip Chipperson just to stick it to Norton, gotta give the guy some props for that.


100% lethal heart attack within a year

nice overcooked meal, stupid

They didn’t tell us about it until the 80s

His chromosomes were overcooked

It’s bbq you retard.

Even BBQ masters know what meat must be cooked rare and medium-rare.

Nice lack of culinary aptitude, stupid.

He might be a fag, but I'll be damned if that food doesnt look delicious

Is Carl still fucking that crazy chipperson bitch?

Yo this guy rolls with Opie. Just saying, be careful. I personally wouldn’t to be in the crosshairs of The Opster.

This is not an attractive man.

He was the most hatable part of Opies Sirius show.

You realize Sherrod was on that show?

Carl subscribes to a hat of the month club

Fuck, Carl is starting to grow on me. He knows he is a complete ass.

His stories are compelling and he calls opie out on being a dildo


This guy was sugar daddying Mrs Chipperson for a while lmao

I'm one of the very few that actually likes Carl. Better to listen to than most of the others right now.

I think he's okay. Sherrod Small and Vic Henley are trash.

The guy on the right is wearing the faggiest sweater in the history of dicks. Is anyone else hungry?

Christian Bale really went all out for this role.

It's missing a few puss-filled facial cysts?

90% chance of a stroke.

Unfunny cunt didn't lose enough in the divorce

So #ruizing is just eating fast food and red meat and drinking all day until you drop dead from cholesteral related diseases at 45?


Go help your comic friend replenish his meat truck, stupid.

Your mom's box segment was atrocious.

He should wear a shirt that says "I'm a stupid prick"

It's missing a few puss-filled facial cysts?