Reminder: when Opie got fired, Norton threw a party and posted videos gloating about it

1  2018-12-30 by dhort13


This is probably the only party Jimmy has ever thrown, and it was motivated purely by spite.

He’s a passive aggressive woman

He actually mentioned that on the show. It was indeed the only party he's ever thrown. The only people who were there were Sirius employees and a couple of show guests, TJ Miller in particular.

That's why you see a foldable beach chair in his living room

Imagine living in a nice downtown NY condo and never, ever using it to host fun parties. What a shit life for a “celebrity”.

I hope he dies an AID-sie death

Good. Fuck Opie

No, fuck you.

There is a reason Jim has never had a meaningful relationship with another human being.

Worms are solitary animals

What a petty, shallow, gossiping woman. To top it off, Sam attended the "fuck opie" party, yet Sam was the one who was sucking Opie's tits as Little Scorch, writing down Opie's lists for him, obeying his every command, holding his hand when he was crying on air, crying with him on air.

The jew cries as he stabs you

Nylon chairs really bring the room together.

Which he sold right after the party.

But what if he throws another.... sorry, my bad.

Imagine being such a creep that you have no furniture and an unused kitchen and expect to date 20 yr old women whilst hurtling toward 60.

The irony of Sam commenting on people laughing too hard at Everything Jim says. Also, Sam is miraculously hideous.

This was their 'celebration' before they were going on to do big things, now that Opie was gone, they finally held the reigns themselves. 2yrs later and their careers are worse than they ever were and Sam & Jim put together a shitshow that manages to be worse than Opie & Jim. While Jimmy puts in equally as little effort and creativity as he did on O&J. Sounds like moving on to bigger and better things to me!

Petty asshole texts other employees talking shit about his "friend" opie during the shows. You know opie felt the awkwardness and knew something was up. When confronted, pussy Jim denied it and acted like he didnt know what was going on. Opie was right to say this wormy fag wasnt a friend.

God damn, he looks 75 years old.

sure love a party where everyone is sober and sitting down

It's also day time for some reason. Everyone home by 7pm!

You don't think Jim ordered a couple of kegs "for the lads?"


Jim knows women so well, he knows we love catty men. Or he knows gay dudes love drama.

Show your tits


what is your skin tone and would you say you have more of a convex or concave navel

He's a mediocre comedian and a terrible actor. It's a really nice apartment and had it not been for Opie, he wouldn't be in it. Hope this ungrateful worm has this place close to being paid off...he's not pulling in the same money being on the shit Jim and Sam show

I hope it gets repossessed and he has to move back into the mold-covered shithole he came from

I think Jim resents the fact that he was more well known for doing radio than comedy and that his radio fame came from joining an already popular radio show. When Opie got fired he probably thought his show would be just as popular but it would be by his own merits.

Norton is so proud to be American lol.

I thought it was a 4th of July party. It only became about Opie because he was fired right before it.

There is such a sick celebrating glee in that man's face. This is warping him inside as we speak.

How many people will throw at least a toast when the Worm dies of "pneumonia"

I'm a recovering alcoholic from drinking zima when I was 16. The idea of a toast forced me to call my sponsor, why did you motherfuck me like that?

Norton is a fucking petty shithead

Way to ruin the flow of the party by pulling out your phone and filming everyone, stupid

You can hear his homosexuality in this

what a fucking sssssscuuuuumbag

This solidifies my loyalty to Opie. I've never been so disgusted with a person. Norton is an empty vessel, worm creature.

Simultaneously, Norton will say, “I don’t have a personal relationship with Opie anymore, but I’ll always be grateful to him for my career. And I’d never really trash the guy.”

He's like a preteen lil girl. What a fucking shitneck!

We get it, you have a good view

Fuck Kenny

It was probably brotherman throwing the worm a bone. Always loyal to his people God bless him.

He geniunely motherfucked opie right here

so did most of this sub