Joe Rogan breaks down people

1  2018-12-29 by Phantas_Magorical


Fucking douche

I don’t appreciate the way he presents this idea that every kid had in middle school biology class as if it’s a theory he had written.

That's what pisses me off about the classic pothead. " Ya bro Obama lives on mars and there are different dimensions you enter when you smoke weed maaaaan". Fuck off go smoke weed and watch cartoons like the rest of us

"lol foghorn leghorn talks funny"

There is nothing worse than a woke retard.

We are just bacteria maaahhhn

Human beings are a complicated form of bacteria mannnnnn. Apes did shrooms and became humans mannnnnn. Fucking pseudoscience faggot

Bro, you know strains of psilocybin have been found in the deserts surrounding Jerusalem right? So, really, Jesus was just a cool dude trippin balls with 12 of his buds and trying to fix the world, maaaaaaaan.

That one I'd buy.

You'd think reddit dorks (who worship science) and potheads (who don't believe anything real scientists say) would hate eachother but they're often steadfast allies.

It's like how feminists defend trannies to the death. I can't think of anything more aggressively, poisonously anti-women than saying "women are nothing special. they're nothing more than an insane, mutilated man"

Likewise, you would think that Mr. "If you disagree with Neil Tyson then you're a shitlord" would hate Mr. "What moon was just...weed maaaan" but no, those two groups love eachother.

Uneducated floor nigger.

Y'all ever smoke weed?

He is the living embodiment of every annoying stoner who tries to impress you with their unoriginal moronic theories.

Here's my theory for Joe...

I think Joe Rogan is just a really tall dwarf. Now hear me out....dwarfs are really short and Joe Rogan is really short. Joe Rogan is however slightly taller than the average dwarf. So Joe Rogan is just a really tall dwarf.

holy shit can he explain some smart concepts in a really stupid way

I didn’t know anyone outside of Midwest prom kids still rode in stretch limousines

He needs some lip balm here.

this fucking retard. The bacteria in our body is necessary for our survival, it's not a fight of our body vs bacteria, our bodies are 99% bacteria. E coli is necessary for proper digestive function and to produce vitamin k. There is only one form of e coli that is harmful o157 h7 which has pathogenic compounds and cause dysentery, every other form is beneficial to us. If you see someone that is on antibiotics, essentially killing the bacteria in his system, he almost ends up worse off than if he were to just wait for the body to handle an infection because of how damaging it is to kill the bacteria in your system.

You just don't get it

The words man,listen to the words,on weed,man,weed words maaaaaan.