(AUDIO) Louis CK new full comedy set

1  2018-12-29 by TammyHogfleisch


Thanks a lot. That one loud fake laughing guy deserves to die, though.

That guy really is an insufferable retard faggot, isn't he?

He was literally going "Ha ha ha! Holy shit!" Fucking cunt.

he also keeps yelling out to louie and exclaiming " THATS SO FUCKED UP" fucking insufferable.

he starts guessing and repeating punchlines too fuck

People who go to comedy clubs are kind of losers aren't they? I know a guy who saw Kevin Hart last year; he had nothing but regret. I laugh at Strip clubs; the bitches on stage there actually lived through real tragedies. Louis CK is just another pasty soulless sociopath; strippers were at least once filled with human emotions.

Calm the fuck down

of course there had to be a serial killer lurking here

They're all fake useless people. None of them deserve to live


I laugh at Strip clubs; the bitches on stage there actually lived through real tragedies

Louis CK is just another pasty soulless sociopath

nigga did you even read what you wrote before you sent it? interesting choice of words, but you're probably just another tryhard faggot

The real winners hang around strip clubs.

Do you have brain damage?

gettin bad vibes from this dude


That's wierd, the ((media)) has been telling me he's been getting booed at his shows...

They also said he never addressed his scandal. He devoted the first fifteen minutes to it. I hope he comes back. And I hope someone throws semen in Hannah Gadsby's eye like Multiple Miggs.

Good one. Noam Dworman is as Jewish as they come and he did a 30 minute interview with the New York Times about why he allows Louie to perform at the Cellar while other owners do not. Where do you think this set was recorded?You’re a retarded faggot and I should kill you with a yarmulke.

It was recorded at Governer's he mentions it in the set.

Don't think so fucko

It's at 41 minutes in.


Notice the location in the title. He mentions governors, however he is performing at the Cellar. Suck my circumsized dick.

Smart jew thats good promotion for the cellar as the supposedly legendary comedy club he wants it to be. Sneaky and hypocritical yes, but you gotta hand it to the heeb

He was smart to start in with his leftist/feminist/Hillary bullshit. Its the only thing that saved his career.

Hilarious, and telling, that this comment is being downvoted.

When? The Jewish fag part? The 10 minutes about retards? When he makes fun of gender-neutrals and school shooting survivors? The one about all Asians being women because they have small dicks?

"They just stick their gigantic clits into each other's vaginas".

remember when you said louie was 'pretensious' and i said only a retard would misspell pretentious while insulting someone so you edited the spelling with acknowledging it


the "black people are your real friends" bit is the only pandering shit

Nice Ricky Gervais laugh, stupid.

Louie’s set killed, and at least he would never fuck kids.

Even if doctors proved it was beneficial for their health. Fucking love Louis. And fuck Bonnie McFarlane. If it was up to her she wouldn’t have put him on and gave the whole show to that awfulness that followed him.

Nice avoiding saying Louis’ stupid

Damn, he’s even better. The asshole acting like Deniro in Cape Fear needs to kill himself though.

Such a good scene in Cape Fear though

Another ten years or so and Ant will start referencing it on his show.

Jim Norton is a spineless hack

thanks for calling out the elephant in the room

"You find out who your real friends are"

definitely aimed at people like jimmy

i clicked it expecting a rich vos plug. damn, this is great to hear

Around 20 minutes in, he starts going off the way you hoped he and Bill Burr would. One down, done to go. One day.

Is it any good? Ive liked a lot of Louis material but his more recent stuff is hit or miss. Im at work and curious If I should make sure to come back to this later or just forget about it.

It was solid. Some jokes were hilarious, some were pretty bad. Its better than about 90% of the comedy shows out there today

90 is pretty conservative. More than 99% of stand up is fucking garbage.

You're a unique snowflake who's too smart and cool to enjoy the comedy that typical sheeple enjoy.

I agree

And you're a fucking faggot

And you're an air headed rube faggot too retarded to have a personality so you consume any piece of trash they throw in front of you.

Thanks for the up but knocked this shit out 2x... still barely listenable and had to cut out 10 mins before end.

He's just doing sketch bits that he would've written for his FX show. Muh daughers, Muh travel experiences. He's hinging on edgy cred and that "Why would anything Nice EVER happeN!?! xD" vocal delivery. It's embarrassing. He was big in the mid 2000s and the culture has changed. The bleak dissections of relationships/ageing that sounded like fresh honesty in 2006 can now be found in the comments of front page subreddits and facebook feeds.

Except that he made fun of transgendered kids and married gays in this. I'm not so convinced that he's being all Hollywood

Yup. And all of it with a "no But seriously" implication in the end. That stench he's got, that's a hard thing to wash of. You can pretend it's not there, but others can smell it.

You're stupid.


You are such a complete idiot.

Actually really funny shit

Fucking hilarious.

Listening to a comedian actually be funny feels like I just made diarrhea all over a toilet I don’t have to clean.


This reminds me of the time I got too drunk at a girl who liked me's birthday party and apparently threw up all over the bathroom except actually in the toilet. Apparently her boyfriend made her clean it up lol.

I'm not friends with her anymore.

Nice drinking story, Burt

Rub my belly.

Did you record this at Governors, at one of the shows that was announced last week, fag?

Towards the end louie mentions that's where it is.

This was amazing. Holy shit. HOLY SHIT.

It was beautiful and incredibly refreshing. There’s not a bit there that I didn’t laugh.

Your enthusiasm is enraging, take it down a notch, spaz

I'm not even 10 minutes in and this shit has made me laugh harder than any special I've seen in the past year.

The secret ingredient is pain of losing tens of millions of dollars.

yesssssssssssss been waiting for a leak

Louis talked about retards, gays, asian dicks, black dicks, his stupid daughters, it was great. please bootleg more of his shit. just remember to turn it off after he leaves to avoid the unfunny female comic fat jokes, its gay.

Awesome, thanks brothaman!

brilliant this, cheers

hope he makes a proper comeback

That's objectively the best stand up I've heard in a really long time. Closest anyone has come has been Shane Gillis but he's still a bit green. Man did I miss Louie, faggy liberal posturing be damned, glad to have him back.

Shane is great, he's also been a great guest on every podcast I've heard him on. It's really unfortunate he's on compound media and I hope he comes to his senses soon.

He is? Damn, I might have to steal that shit..

If you find a place to steal it from let me know. I always just assumed the 43 truckers paying for CM don't know how to upload anything so it wasn't even worth trying to find.

Will do, your probably right though..

I'm definitely right but you should check out Matt and Shane's secret podcast. I believe it's pretty easy to locate.

Okay, thanks Shane.

Hells yeah son

That guy laughing is terrible. All of his comments make me want to beat him to death

Why do people feel a need to try and laugh harder than natural

It’s so depressing that people like that exist

Isn' the part around 15:00 an old Seinfeld bit, accept about getting your hearing tested?

The Parkland stuff is so fucking great. You can hear the bitterness is back in his voice. I can’t wait for his next special.

This sounds like classic Louis CK standup. He must be really fucking miserable then. I'm glad the audience loved him though. Fuck everyone taking a "stand" against his return.

PSA: If you're going to record something, like a comedy show, to share with other people, then please...SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!! We don't need to hear you laughing directly into the mic and we especially don't need any commentary.

"HAHA That's so fucked up"

Is it, stupid?

That guy who yelled out "You should've!" should be beaten with a brick.

HAHAHAHA so hilarious you pervert hasbeen jew

He gets embarrassed in front of the entire world, blacklisted from most clubs in the country, disappears for a year and comes back and has a 45 minute set funnier than anything Jim Norton has ever put out.

not really a high bar, faggot

link dead

Did this get deleted keep getting error message

Taken down ???


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They're all fake useless people. None of them deserve to live
