Has this idiot ever addressed the Big Apple Ranch email?

1  2018-12-28 by anusmccutesie


Can someone link a fag with a screenshot of that?


NOTE: Picture is linked on the website imager

Picture is linked on the website imager

Easily manipulated and taken out of context often. TYFYS.

In this case the context is Joe’s a fucking moron.

He deleted the tweet and made his twitter private for a while (which is what we call a "Cumia Confirmation").

There's a lot of things that happened at the Big Apple Ranch that he's been silent on. It's just strange that there are all these allegations of rape, yet he hasn't denied a single one. I'm just asking questions.

Here’s a question: Why did Troy Quan fling that bitch off a cliff?

Bonus question: What does ZipCar charge for late fees?

The cumia's avoid truth

Yes, he has stated multiple times that he loves going there and leaving with strange men.

All he had to say was that reddit kept signing him up for mailing lists. Instead he went silent and confirmed for gay

not to kill the bit, but somebody signed him up for the newsletter as a prank

There's no evidence of that.