Joe Rogan standing next to a 5 foot 10 man. 1/420

1  2018-12-28 by funkmasterplex


His head has gotten so big that it's eating his ears.

Step 1 of Alpha Brain is enlarging your cranium to host more brain matter.

It was better when he just advertised the fleshlight, when I see my load festering in the bottom of a fake torch that's still better than taking barely tested chemicals based on the word of that fruit

Has this tiny little fag been shilling for Jon Jones and the UFC this week? I gave up on his podcast.

Yes, that guy he's standing next to is Jeff Novitsky, the UFC 'health and performance' guy.

Rogan is getting a lot of shit for the podcast they just did which most people are seeing as a cover up/shilling.

The excuses these guy are making are quite pathetic.

Jeff Novitsky

Is that the guy that went after Barry Bonds and the rest of the Balco crew?

Yes, he went through people's garbage trying to find proof of PED use. Now he's making excuses for big stars.

the UFC 'health and performance' guy


If they sold Rogan and Sam for parts you could just about build 1 Plains Yeti.

Two bald old shills

(For those wondering, novtizky is 6'7")

Jesus Opie, no need to step on the bit

Iā€™d estimate joe at 5ā€™-5ā€ in this picture then.

Joe is known for wearing axis deer leather 5" Cuban heels, so you should knock a few inches off the estimate

Is Brad Williams going through chemo?

This is the guy telling us that Jon Jones keeps testing positive from a 18 months old tiny accidental exposure to Turinabol. The suspension was literally shorter than the time the drug stayed in his system.

It's only 1 1 millionth of a grain of rice and it was in his system from the last time he failed.

The problem is all of these tainted supplements.

Nothing to see here.

That's the synopsis of their discussion.

Which is insane because the most recent test is in the same ballpark as the initial one, 60 pg versus 20 to 80 pg. Are we to believe Jon's body stores PED's like it was heavy metal?

It used to be said that the detection window for metabolites of turinabol was really short, like a few months. Now the metabolites can "pulse" to a higher amount than what a competitor got suspended for almost a year and a half ago.

"This is fairly routine, this happens all the time, this pulse effect."

Oh really, now? These jokers don't cite any examples of this happening, where somebody is suspended for turinabol and then almost two years later, a comparable to greater amount of metabolites are found to be 'pulsing' in the competitor's system.

I believe the "pulsing effect" has been measured before but for a different substance. It's not established science that this can happen with Turinabol. And the idea that the drug and its metabolites are hiding in adipose tissue and only can be detected again during weight cutting or hard physical strain is just an explanation that has been floated to explain the pulsing effect. No one knows if it's true.

Its bullshit to begin with that he didn't get rung up for the full two years so they could do this Gustafson fight. Not only did he get special treatment to not do the full two year suspension, the fucker got rewarded with a main event title shot. This guy should still be suspended for the original turinabol positive test. His positive test he got suspended for could be as much as eighty picograms of a prohibited substance. Tom Lawlor got suspended for two years for less than twenty picograms of Ostarine and that was Lawlor's first drug testing alleged offense.

All of this stuff is detected as nanograms and picograms, stop with the grains of sand and salt and rice and swimming pool bullshit, for fuck's sake. And why would this pulse to eighty picograms when his first amount that got him suspended was under sixty? This whole thing is a bunch of bullshit, its all lies. Jones is still running Turinabol, he's still running other shit, he's still got the testosterone numbers of a ninety year old woman. He's a fucking filthy animal and should be banned for life.

Oh he was supposed to get 4 years for his second offense. He got more than two yours off that sentence for snitching, but since we don't have any evidence he actually provided useful information and never will, that could have been a bullshit excuse as well.

Oh and regarding other fighters, when Frank Mir tested positive (can't remember the drug) he asked USADA if it could be residue from older use. USADA said "absolutely not" and suspended him for two years. That was probably the right decision but Jesus they are playing favorites.

Rogan looks like shit

Good god. The comment section on that vid is a shitshow.

Real life Shrek

Which is insane because the most recent test is in the same ballpark as the initial one, 60 pg versus 20 to 80 pg. Are we to believe Jon's body stores PED's like it was heavy metal?