The reason I have been calling out "enraging" for 3 years when you people describe trivial things is because people mimicking Jim's faux rage is absurd

1  2018-12-27 by Kenn_Kennerson


Ok thanks for clearing that up. I was wondering

No problem. I hope you and the kids had a nice Christmas

It's being done ironic you literal autist

Not even 6 months ago it wasnt. There was a time opie was evil and jim was mimicked and adored here

Things change. The world has no obligation to you to stay in stasis. Happy Kwanzaa.

He's FIERCLY loyal dude.

The time it took to type that would've been better spent reflecting on why nobody likes you in your day to day life.

It’s pretty cringe when people around here use O&A ‘terminology’ when insulting O&A. It’s like they think we’re all joking. How much can we say with a straight face that Anthony Cumia and Jim Norton are shapeshifting child molestors that use their timely hilarious material as a way to distract the ‘masses’. Yes chip is hilarious, but can we all just think of the children that had to endure penetration from these primordial ghouls. The only solace we can take from this is that they didn’t have to endure awkward foreplay


Also, I have asperger's.

No way to tell whether you are joking or not. Do you?


Jim Norton invented the word "enraging."

Using it to describe something trivial like a shirt or a hat, yes

Literally who are you?

Your name is Kenn Kennerson you douche

Glad you cleared that up.

No problem. I hope you and the kids had a nice Christmas