
1  2018-12-27 by Weekwithhardk


I stand with Beige.

Oh leave him alone already. I hate cumia but I watched the pat dixon episodes and they were really entertaining. The only entertaining thing pats ever done tbh.

Fuck yourself with a knife

i must second your modest suggestion sir

Porsalin's videos always had an underlying love for Cumia. Fuck that ballwashing limey fag.


Documentarian - Animator - Faggot


Whay the fuck is Porsalin looking away in his pictures?

It's a very feminine trait, usually posed by feminists.

I remember some republican fag made a pretty popular video about it once, pointing it out. If anyone knows what I'm talking about plz post.

Anyway, the point is, porsalin has low testosterone.

I like porsalin, but what is he doing?

It's best not to try to understand the mind of a genius like porsalin.

Looking like he's about to gun down a kindergarten class at any moment

Poor kid looks like Spenny.

For real

We don't deserve him. He's the greatest documentarian and general content creator of our era.

Please forgive us, Porsalin.

Can't believe I stuck up for that faggot. HOW MUCH BETRAYAL CAN I TAKE???????

Time to delete everything for a week again >.<

Lol u gay

Porsalin is just a faggot desperate for attention from any groups that will have him

"Arguably." Nobody cares enough about this show to debate which episode is best

Adam Daly alleged rapist