Vice is a good movie worth watching

1  2018-12-27 by Grillskillz

Bale is great as ususal. Movie runs a bit long, but its much better than most shit Hollywood seems to put out these days.


On my Kodi must watch list

Can’t wait to see this. I just watched White Boy Rick and despite it being a cool story with a great cast and one of Mcconaugheys best performances it’s pretty fucking terrible. Never seen a movie edited and paced so poorly

I'm just tired of the same old story. Lazy dumbass has a tough life so he sells drugs, makes a lot of money and eventually snitches on everybody. It's been done a million times already

I didn't think it was horrible, just very forgettable. Acting was good, but by the end of it I just felt like there was no reason this story needed to be made into a movie. Also even though the kid got fucked over, it was hard to have sympathy for him when he had multiple attempts to get out of the game.

I thought the movie could have been 10x better in the hands of a better director. And it’s absurd how fucked he got. Even if he was an adult he would have gotten fucked and the punishment is far too much, the fact that he was a minor just makes it insanity

Trailer looks good, but most people are saying it's shit.