“All because you want to talk about that doesn’t mean I want to, you fucking worm.”

1  2018-12-26 by RBuddCumia


What's the context for this again? I just never got around to listening to the interview.

Jim thought Tarentino was a huge creep like himself and they could relate on foot fetishes. Instead, Tarentino stopped Worm in his tracks by stating he doesn’t have a foot fetish nor did he wanna discuss perverted sexual topics. Jim thought Quinten really motherfucked him and was silent the rest of the interview. Wormy degenerate fuck.


I like tomato but alfredos not bad either

Chicken.....Alfredo..... thank you very much

We call it gravy around here.

Tarantino is a huge creep though. He is also proud that his mom was a coalburner.


"It was almost like a sitcom, the way we lived in the 70s," said Tarantino, who added that his mom's boyfriends would take him to blaxplotation movies. "Because she was in her 20s, she was hot, alright, she was a hot white girl and her best friend named Jackie was a hot black girl and her other best friend, Lillian, was a hot Mexican girl. And they lived in this swinging singles apartment with me."


"Oh yeah, my mom, she dated Wilt Chamberlain. She was one of the 1,000," Tarantino quipped about his mom, who split with his dad, Tony Tarantino, before he was born.

Jesus, I'm a huge fan of his work but can you imagine how big a degenerate he has to be to take pride in his mom's promiscuity.

Instead of living in shame of it like you do?


Leave it alone, I don't want to talk about it

Some of the shit he puts in his movies and his tendency to try to sound black around black people is making a lot more sense now.

"Like most men who never knew their father, Bill collected father figures. The first was Esteban Vihaio. Esteban was a pimp and a friend of Bill's mother."

Keen thoughts.

Was his mom dating Lamar or sumptin?!?! Peckas, dvut dvut.

Get out of here with those baby noises, faggot. Chip sucks.


Thanks, man.

Another pedophilia apologist. Fuck him too..

Say what you will about Tarantino, at least he has his own voice.

Jim doesn't have a voice that he didn't lift from either Jim Florentine or the Jerky Boys.

I want to go along with this, but Tarantino is a hack too and all his movie ideas are stolen from old movies.

He just loves movies maaaaan

I think of it like sampling ideas in hip hop. RZA has a voice and a unique way of doing it to create something new, Kanye does, Q-Tip does.

Imo Tarantino does this with his own films, and there’s no denying that he’s clearly got his own voice through which the ideas are filtered and reconstructed.

I agree with this. Being influenced and being derivative are not the same thing.

He blackcents hard too when doing "urban radio"

Hateful Eight was atrocious. So was that nigger cowboy horseshit. Fuck Tarantino.

What's your opinion on the police?

Anyone have a link to the interview or do you know what year its from?

He just loves movies maaaaan

I think of it like sampling ideas in hip hop. RZA has a voice and a unique way of doing it to create something new, Kanye does, Q-Tip does.

Imo Tarantino does this with his own films, and there’s no denying that he’s clearly got his own voice through which the ideas are filtered and reconstructed.

He blackcents hard too when doing "urban radio"