harass fatrick on instagram, and get his new twitter suspended its @mewlers3

1  2018-12-26 by superbuyed



God damn

This Gregg Smith sounds like someone I want to be friends with.

Gregg Smith will never have to worry about getting a job, he's set for life and doesn't give a fuck what instagram has to say about his remarks.

The account was made in october and he has over 3k tweets. What a fucking addict. He really is a leftard Cumia.

Also not sure why the mods think he is unrelated to this place

You know why. Don't make me repeat it.

oh because of that theory of people being stealth-lefties or some retarded shit? Why is you remedial ass allowed to be here in the first place?

You seem to already be familiar with it.

Is it already gone? I can’t find it

Careful dude, TheToolMan basically agrees with this guy’s politics to a T and went on a banning spree pretty recently going after anyone who mentioned him.

Remind me again why the sub hates this dude?

Disrespect to Norm.

Trying to score virtue points by saying he wasn't a Norm fan is what popped him on the radar of this place, but I think what really rubbed everyone here the wrong way was him acting exactly like Nana by judging people by their Twitter followers and then banning them.

Joe level lolcow, they guy just never stops responding and feeding

he got shit-canned off twitter and decided it was this subs fault.

Someone noticed him slinging shit at norm, we called him a fag and that was pretty much it. But around the same time he got banned off twitter and decided to make the connection it was us since the two posts here was the most he has spiked online since his hole filled 'thought experiment' about abortion.