Presented without comment

1  2018-12-26 by throwawaymanthrows


Nana uses Shoupie brand markers from China which are only good for 1 signature, then he stuffs it up his ass.

This is what Jerry Seinfeld's girlfriend calls him in The Soup Nazi.

That's schmoopie, cunt.

I know a guy who got dumped by his girlfriend and it devastated him. So much so that he shoved a sharpie up his ass and had to go to the hospital to get it out. I tried to ask him why but he really couldn’t explain it.

PERMANENT obscurity.

Presented also without fans or people awaiting signatures or any recently purchased books, either.

Fa la la la

Why that's enough to sign like 5 books at least.

Can someone explain this one to me?

Ant went to his book signing with a pack of markets and maybe signed 3 books

Hahaha what a faggot

He signed a grand total of four books. Bobo, Big A, Dawn, and Joe.

So two vassals who were ordered to show up and had no choice in the matter, and his siblings who rely on him financially.

That’s the best he could do.

He brought four sharpies in anticipation and no one showed up. He actually thought he would run out of ink.

There were more SJW protestors (including a woman who looks like a fat version of Prince) than genuine fans. Fat fuck Erock was there too but couldn’t be bothered to even enter the bookstore.

He was using the sharpies to get children high so they wouldn't resist.

If you stick 4 of them up your ass and then hang yourself, you would be permanently suspected, right?

You know he fantasized about all the clever messages he would scribble for people. Like he was signing a yearbook. Imagining lines of people in his head.

And then literally no one showed up, hahahahahaha

I like myself a little less because I understand the reference.