Does this faggot ever give it a rest?

1  2018-12-25 by comeflywme


I actually lol'd

Do you even Chanukike, brah?


His wife looks 57

She’s married to him, so it’s about right

Shes probably in her late twenties, but constantly being in the same breathing space as that fat cunt has aged her terribly

She looks like a skinny Roseanne Barr.

Almost 100k likes. People faggots. I still don’t understand what he’s famous for. Hanging out with Joe Rogan?

Just watch how enthusiastic Rogans little crew is when they’re on his podcast. They always screaming in laughter at whatever he says and constantly praise his terrible stand up. It’s truly sick.

When they’re around each other without Joe, it’s like the kids on vacation with their own hotel room.

He stole a train once with some Russians

Well Roseanne is skinny now, and she is rich.

How do you know all that? Are you gay?

Bert is over 40 and probably married some bitch that was fuckable and could keep up with his drinking and had a good personality and could chill with the guys. Too bad for him those women hit the wall hard. excessive drinking and partying destroys women's looks.

Everything destroys a woman's looks

the joke is that he has no shirt on and he is in bad physical shape due to excessive eating and alcoholism

some people find this to be "hilarious"


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A man should wear a jacket and tie to Christmas dinner

Or a noose

or a noose

Thanks, Norton

stool-kicker attachment

With legs made out of aids needles

“He should we a shirt with a SHOTGUN TIE”

Two shirts preferably. Maybe like a rockstar t shirt and a button up

Not wearing a shirt when you're a bit overweight is really really funny and I hope a lot more people catch on and start exploiting this amazing vein of humor.

Aside from Ari, everyone Rogan has discovered has been a real dud-a-roo.

Ari's standup is not good

He's at least somewhat interesting. He takes a stance on most things where everyone nowadays is a faggot fence rider.

You aren't good.

Ari is a try hard faggot

ari and stanhope are ballwashed here by the chapo and ca faggots that invaded back at the beginning of the summer. speak ill of either of those hacks and you get downvoted.

I saw him do standup and he was actually very good. He has way more talent than a lot of comedians imo. He deserves to be doing a lot better than Joey Diaz at least. He had a lot of really good jokes about Judaism.

Of course he did. That’s all he talks about

It wasn't all he talked about, it was just the funniest part of his act. I've seen a lot of standup comedy. Basically every comedian who is worth seeing. And Ari was significantly better than I thought he would be. He's actually a good comedian. I wasn't expecting that either.

Kill yourself faggot this shit is almost 2 weeks old fucking dumb nigger

A caricature of a Jew doing jokes about Judaism sounds pretty funny tbh

Agreed. I saw Ari live and he fucking destroyed.

I saw him live earlier in the year and he killed.

I disagree, I saw Ari at Gothem in 2010? w/rogan and Ari killed. Rogan was awful, lots of physical comedy and yelling nothing actually funny.

Ari is ok. Talks about Jewish shit wayyyyyyy too much.

Well, I mean, when you are literally the poster child of what the nazis wanted to eradicate....

Tom Segura is the best out of that crew

Segura is hilarious but for the most part you’re right.

I saw Ari perform at the Stand a year ago. Piece of shit kept babbling on about jew this and jew that. Unfunny jew faggot


And on the odd occasional that one of them actually does come out with a decent line, Joe is totally stone faced and misses it.

You actually listened to Joey Diaz?

I live 100 years from a comedy club so I saw him once.

This guy screams desperate. He is such a talentless hack he has to resort to pretending to be friends with everyone famous. He does this all the time when he has ppl on his shit excuse for a podcast. Like whenever they’re famous, he’s like we’ve known each other so long! And makes the guest uncomfortably agree. He had Cumia on and it was so cringeworthy I could barely manage to keep watching. He basically went into how much of an O & A fanboy he is and then literally started picking Anthony’s brain on how to start a podcast network. Fucking boo

All Bert knows how to do is talk about himself. That "Bertcast" was beyond terrible. The only time it got interesting was when it was brought up about the internet trolls Ant deals with. And Bert kept interrupting him. Was the only time in awhile that Anthony wasn't the biggest faggot in the room.

Was the Joke that no one is smiling and hes having a great christmas? Ugh

He is in bad shape for 1980. He isn't even comedy-fat!

It's almost as if he's keyed in on the gluttony and bad habits of comedians like Chris Farley and Belushi and assumes those are the traits that made them legends.

Some people, as in almost 100,000 of them.

This can’t be real

It hysterical! Don’t you get it?! He took his shirt off!! That’s the bit!

HAHAHAHAH! I GET IT NOW! HE HAS NO SHIRT! NOOOO SHIRT!!!!! (shoots self in the head)

Tony no shirt


Where's that lil rascal Ant with his adorable "Age" question?

I'd only fuck 1 of his 2 daughters!

Is it the one who looks like Bert or the one that looks like Berts hot wife?

Obviously the brunette

If you try to feed the blonde one a carrot make sure you keep tour hand flat.


Look how miserable his wife and kids look. They probably wish him death for the constant embarassment.

I think that’s the joke

I think he's the joke.

"Beautiful" - Sam Roberts

Absolute douche

His name means 'squealer' in German.

His wife is a fucking dog. Midwest 5.

I suspect the one on the left isn't his.

She looks exactly like him and the other one looks just like the mother.

Failed Genetic Experiment

The nature of teenagers being what they are, fucking Rob Lowe's kids are probably embarrassed by him. Imagine how ashamed those girls are of having this fat, immature horse's ass for a father.

fucking Rob Lowe

Hey now, that was 30 years ago.

Lowe's kids are probably embarrassed by him

He pays those teens extra not to be

Judging by the daughter on the right, Burt's wife got John Redcorned. The potato is probably his, though.

I feel sorry for the blonde, looking like your dad while your sister is mildly normal

She doesn't look happy, but she's cuter than her sister imho

Both of them are dog-faced cunts

I guess I'm not looking objective since she reminds me of a girl I had a crush on

I'm confused.

Is the faggot Bert or is the faggot Sam?



She'd be a whole lot prettier if she smiled once in awhile.

The advice of the wise one-hit-wonder Shawn Mullins applies here.

Kinda like Nashville w/o a tan right

Not so fast, christ-killer

It looks like his family hates him more than I do.

Imagine just how much they get bullied because of their saggy-titted faggot father

The no shirt thing is the only thing he’s known for. That and drinking.

Don’t forget the completely implausible story about the Russian mafia.

Which fag? In the picture or the comments?

Why is he topless next to his daughters and not his wife?

I hope he catches pneumonia and dies

He's crazyyyyyyyyyy, such a quirky guy, so unique.

That is the ugliest fucking family. Bert is somehow the best looking one. They need to stop reproducing

What a talentless hack.

I want to hate Bert. He checks every box in the faggotry category. But I kind of like him.

The bit is they call me the machine because actually a slovenly drunkard that shits his pants and dances like a fucking monkey.

Yes daddy needs to take of his shirt again

Are they being held at gunpoint ?

The looks on their faces says it all.

Only thing worse is the second comment

Child abuse.


If he was a good comedian, he and his family wouldnt have a house in the high desert in Santa Clarita and would be taking famliy pictures on the beach in Santa Monica inatead. Welcome to the D list Bert

Didn't he have a funny joke about Bill Burr though?


God bless the daughter who looks like him while the other took after the wife. Ouch.

Top 10 worst comedians ever

top 5 worst family ever

Girl on left is going to hatchet entire family on a Sunday afternoon

In an old podcast discussing his Jay mohr beef he honestly said "some comics dont like me" with this obliviousness as if he could not understand why that may be. Why have props when your gut is the only one you need?

You know his daughters fantasize about running away from home every week. Lol


Only the blonde one looks like him. It looks like his wife may have had affair to escape having a second child with this man's genetics

Sure he's fat/slovenly but he's not fat/slovenly enough for it to be funny. He looks like 60% of middle aged dudes. What's the joke?

Is that his mother or wife? She looks like an old leather boot

I think Bert is an alright guy, but the no shirt thing has became downright hacky. He's become a caricature of the goofy persona he created, desperate for attention and to be liked.

Is this Brent Crystals, the fattest most racist comedian ?

I actually enjoy Bert when he is a part of youtube videos or podcasts, but I can not for the life of me understand who thinks the shirt thing is funny or iconic. Its just weird and annoying to look at.

The family's not happy that he's not funny

The daughter on the left got all of Bert's genetics. Ugh.

Ari actually evolves his bits. I’ve seen him over the course of a few months doing the same joke but telling it differently, improving it along the way.

Of course wherever there's a man with his shirt off, Sam has to be there to comment on it. I'm surprised he didn't yell at Bert for stealing his bit with Vos.

He took his shirt off!!!! Hahaha hahaha!! Hooolllleeeee Shit! Genius!

Dude leaned into it, barrelled through the guard railing and is now in freefall. Let's see where this goes. Fake chuckles hide a deep anger

If you try to feed the blonde one a carrot make sure you keep tour hand flat.

Don’t forget the completely implausible story about the Russian mafia.

Absolute douche