Happy feminist holidays folks. Don't be a cunt to blacks and women in 2019, alright? It's their turn now.

1  2018-12-25 by T-Earl-Grey-Hot


The lovely Bill Hill everybody

After seeing his sad transformation into a male stepford wife on the JRE podcast I have no doubt that if his dominant wife insisted Bill take her last name he would, maybe not straight away but she would eventually convince him it was progressive.

there's a deep sadness in his eyes here, probably because he regrets almost everything about the last 5 or so years of his life. very sobering.

How very fitting he’s at the top of his career and at the end of his rope

“Bill was here”

The great Late bill burr ladies and gentlemen! His disgusting white corpse will be giving out cash to all the precious minority’s after the show.

Nice pluralisation stupid

Isn't it great late?

I know stupid, I did it on purpose

I highly doubt that.

You’d be incorrect in your doubting faggot nigger lover

It's actually leat, grate.

great Late minority's

Sir, it is of my professional opinion that you may have water on the brain.

I would respect white self hating cucks more if they would let black people lynch them for reparations.


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Hey I haven’t drank in over a month, wanna hear about that for 15 minutes?

"O'llll Billy booze-bag is of the sauce for 30 DAYS!!! What's that Nia? My beautiful, talented, genius wife everybody! Get on the mic..." Skip, skip, skip... Unsubscribe


Court ordered, or are you doing a little liver maintenance?

You have to be a real bitch to be offended by Bill Burr.


Nice girl talk, stupid.

Burr will never offend anyone ever again, thats kinda the point being made

Burr will never offend anyone ever again, thats kinda the point being made

Hundreds of people in here are offended that he stays married to an annoying black woman.

There's a difference between being offended and losing respect for someone.

I dont think you know what offended means

You should check the definitions then. It's fitting.

You should check your moms box, now thats fitting!

Suck my prick, buster.

Have gotten anything right in your life?

Recognizing you as a faggot and a cunt for once.

Ooof.... Even you could have done better than that

Nice nothing, stupid. You should get back to drinking yourself to death.

I upset you enough to comb through my history, and that's what you came up with? You really are a sad case

If I took the time to comb through your history, I'd go for your pathetic history with women.

That doesn't even make sense

Those shoulders look very tense.

Bill burrs next special "My wife is so funny"

Nia Burr Presents Bill Burr

She wouldn't use his name

"Amazing Sense Of Humor"

When divorce can save yourself

This guy really should have been able to pull a white chick I mean am I wrong? If a goblin like Anthony can pull blonde teens and Vinnie Brand's hot daughter I see no reason why a successful guy like Burr would need to settle for a sheboon.

WTF was he thinking?

You're not wrong, Walter, you're just an asshole.

I see no reason why a successful, funny guy like Burr would need to settle for a sheboon.

WTF was he thinking?

Bill was always going to marry a black woman. He was so proud of being Patrices friend you could tell it was a conceited fetish for him not unlike Jane Goodall being accepted by mountain gorillas. Only Bill unwittingly sees black people in a patronizing way which is why he calls his wife "enlightened Nia" and thinks Von can't feed herself.

"Vinnie Brands hot daughter".

You faggot

She was a 10 for me when she was a bit younger. I would kil, literally KILL just to go on a date with a girl like her.

Wtf is wrong with you

It seems to be a fetish a lot of ginger men suffer from.

When she divorce rapes him his comedy will be transcedent. He will say nigger on stage. 2019 baby

Just blasting hard Rs and dropping C-bombs for one hundred and sixty minutes.

My ex wife, she's such a cunt, stole half my money and fucked off, but to her credit that a light haul for a nigger.

Is there a single comedian that doesn't pay lip service to shitty leftist talking points to some degree? It seems like even the supposedly edgy ones have no spine when it comes down to it.

Anthony Cumia, a comedian from the early xm radio days, took a permanent trip into obscurity for it

They even permanently suspended him on Twitter for that

Nick DiPaolo. (And look where that got him)

Artie seems to be doing fine.

Gilbert Godfried

Nice Ghoulie head, stupid

I know. Bill has always made fun of people's physiques and talked about how he eats healthily. He can never get rid of his odd, German-Irish, shiny creep-face.

He looks like a corpse that sat up in the casket at the viewing.

Hey, my wife made me give up another object or hobby that I love, I'll spend the next month on my podcasts justifying it.

Any GaGa concerts in this man’s future?

Hes a cunt Moe.

We point and we laugh but the fact that he was one of the best & has been reduced to a run-of-the-mill guilty white shell of his former self is pretty depressing

There's a difference between being offended and losing respect for someone.

Anthony Cumia, a comedian from the early xm radio days, took a permanent trip into obscurity for it

I dont think you know what offended means

Nick DiPaolo. (And look where that got him)

Artie seems to be doing fine.

Gilbert Godfried