Legal expert Joe Cumia requests the dox of documentarian Beige Frequency for future litigation

1  2018-12-25 by ReasonableSafe


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It's clear that during Kwanza, a very special time traditionally spent with family that this sub has no effect on their lives whatsoever.

Joseph, didn’t you say you were never going to mention us again?

You can’t quit us, you insatiable old faggot.

This Big Apple Ranch queen is hardly satisfiable.

He can't stand humiliation, but craves attention. Poor fucker.

Remember, it's people who come to this sub who are obsessed, not the other way around.


Every day, I praise Allah for placing this man into my life.

This whole sub should sign a treaty to never mass-report or flag anything Joe posts publicly to the internet. This sub needs him. Whenever we’re dry, he always comes through.

I painted that out to him and he blocked me. I wasn't even a dick about it

That is the dipstick side to the story right there

I feel like I have to shit real bad.

i'll come out of hiding, you big fat piece of dog shit. it's as simple as this Fagcro Joe, Name a Time and Location and i'll be there to beat the ever loving shit out of you.

Way passed being annoying at this dunderhead. Just die already

It would be awful if that's what brought this sub down. A 5 minute video posted online of you just mercilessly beating the fuckin brakes of him. Possibly even whipping his unconscious body with your belt. How lame would that be if this is how it will all end? I advise against doing that.

yes we definitely do NOT want to see that video

I would have an erection for more than 4 hours.

An erection from an elderly man being beaten? I guess if he was a chomo...

I would be ok with that being the grand finale of this sub. It would be pretty fuckin epic.

I mean, that would be an EPIC end, but i definitely DO NOT want it to happen

Joe says he’s up for it but “I can’t find em. They’re afraid of the repercussions for their actions”

Joe is a huge pussy. Didn’t some guy call his bluff, then he quickly changed his tune and said they could just meet and have a beer?

yes, someone tweeted him and said he'd go to his show and fight him. Joe said something like, "oh so i'm just going to fight someone who comes to my show now? lets have a beer first", like its all beneath him and uncivilized. being both dumb and also a huge pussy really is embedded deep in the ole cumio dna.

What a cuck, a man threatens to beat your ass and you say you'll BUY him a beer? I guess when it's not your own money you're spending, it doesn't really matter.

Yes. He also went on nana's show the day of the book signing and said the trolls wouldn't dare show their face around him tonight (insinuating he'd beat their ass). Then 2 tiny antifa men Deboed the fuck out of him on camera and he backed down like the old fat acne scarred bitch that he is.

Yeah I found the tweet

Not only did that guy make him visibly quiver, Joe got in the guy in the background's face and dared him to take the mask off. The guy ripped the mask off and Joe tucked his tale between his legs again and pretended he was just there for civil discourse.

Funny how he's always able to "find" guys that aren't big dudes, but if someone out & out challenges, the excuses start. "I don't wanna fight for this nonsense!" or "You're not worth my time." or *"I can't find him."

Brother Joe's sole "tough guy" credit was sneaking up on and sucker punching Colin Quinn's cousin. Look out for Big Bad Joe's sneaky right hook.

Seriously, is that confirmed? We've all heard the "Brother Joe/Tim Gage" story from Colin a billion times on tne show (in fact, I think he quickly mentions it on every appearance), but I never once heard about it being a sucker punch. Is that true? Because if it is, then "BroJoe" truly is a loathsome faggot.

The way you wrote that last sentence leads me to believe you are a nigher, sir.

You would be correct

You’re supposed to say: “THAAAAASSS RI!”

His lil gay brother will run out crying and windmill you with his tiny limp wrists.

Joe has talked tons of shit and never accepted a challenge:

If this thin-skinned faggot hadn't blocked every single account I've ever had, I might believe he actually doesn't give a fuck. He gives a fuck.

"What did we learn about guys who say they don't give a faaaaaawk?" - Opie

Typical Joe Cumia ends his illogical tweet with a word in capital letters and cap it off with a retarded hashtag that makes no sense. It’s also not slander or libel if the person believes what they are saying is true.

Someone compile sources for every line in his doc., there's no problem suing an unknown party. Convince a judge that you've got a case, and YouTube/Patreon will roll over.

Problem is, there's not a lot in there which isn't in Joe's own words. "He said that I said something stupid, and then played a recording of me saying it" is a pretty shitty basis for a case.

He has zero case he’s a absolute moron. However, I’m not surprised, and I love that he thinks he does, because it shows how stupid he is.

Former lawyer: needs to prove damages. Might have a case against Killakuhn, but good luck collecting on that judgment.

No lawyer would take this case on contingency.

This is true - damages would be hard to prove, however harm to his reputation might be enough. In any case, in most jurisdictions falsehood is an element of the claim of the Plaintiff, meaning that Joe would have to prove all this shit is not true. The problem with that is, as we know, this is all verified fact.

Disbarred or retired?

Spectacular crash and burn.

We're gossipy hens. Wanna' dish?

I tweeted a bunch of racist things after I was attacked in Times Square, but I think it's a conspiracy by the LIBERALS. I also was live-streamed biting my live-in girlfriend on Periscope and lost my gun.

Sounds farfetched.

You can't just hashtag 'sued' and expect a winnable case to drop in your lap. Boomer logic.

Especially since the vast majority of the video is just Beige reading what Joe has said about himself on here or Wackbag, or what Fonner and Kuhn had said about Joe. It's hard to sue some body for slander when they just are repeating what you wrote on a message board.

I bet even if he had Beige's dox he'd be too dumb to do anything with it

We might get another People's Court episode.

Hey porsalin, could you uhm, come back? There might be 4 discord losers that cares about what ”evil” you did, the rest of us 25000 user dont give a shit and see you as our docu guy. Can you please make an investigating docu about the case that troyquan actually murdered his girlfriend by pushing her from a cliff and then lied to the police and went to work right after? Love ya miss ya

Best case BF trips over Keith in button-popping SWAT gear having a heat seizure in his driveway.

His broken brain still thinks his win on the People's Court was against the sub.

On-line terrorists

And it's all coming from a man who ALLEGEDLY can't even get his daughter to school on time more than a handful of times a week. I'm sure he's marching right down to his lawyer's office in the local strip mall right now. Maybe he can take Biege to court...The People's Court.

By #sosued does he mean a lawsuit or his cock in a dude?

That rhymed 😁

I believe it's a dude's cock in him.

Stole my one line faggot

I think #SoSued could turn into something here

All he has to do is contact a lawyer. As much as I’d like to see The People’s Court part deux, bro joe is all talk.


You Chinese or something?

ah ching chong ping ling

Anthony read the "#SoSued" part and his asshole perked up.

You redditards fucked up!

Imagine posting on twitter on Christmas Eve about a small internet community that lives in your head rent free.

Joe Cumia touched me in a sexual way.

"ill interview with you, if you let me sue you"

So sued lightning?

Yes Joe, please undertake an expensive legal battle (with your brother’s money) with no hope of accomplishing anything.

If Joe sucks Anthony tss into squandering the last of his O&A money and they both have to get regular jobs I’ll finally be able to cum.

Thoughts and prayers.

Imagine this sad, old, boomer mo on Christmas Eve, battling redditards on his phone, while his daughter and wife just accept the fact they’ll be later to another family gathering.

Klowns, redditards, fuckumentary, he sure told us

I believe he thinks this is actually how you spell the word “clowns.”

He assumes it's the same as his knowm spelling of "klan"

Nice 中国联通 stupid

The only lawyer who will represent Joe is one who gets a big retainer from Joe's little bro.

It was a DEAL that HIM AND ANTH made, as BROTHERS. He CERTAINLY won’t be thinking of us REDDITARDS while he cashed the checks we AFFORD him.

You wouldn't need to know Beige's identity to simply clarify or disprove some of the supposed fibs in the documentary. Beige wouldn't have to be involved at all. You could just go through the claims and response. But it's all true. Idiot.

Hashtags weren’t meant for a man as stupid as Joe.

This 60 year old fatso is going to wake up on Christmas, and think about R***it all day long. What a fucking loser.

This man has an awesome brother that's he hangs out with everyday, a beautiful wife, multiple children and yet he spends Christmas eve on Twitter shitting on "rettituuuurds hur hur"

What, is he gonna try to go on Judge Mathis this time?

His kind tend to win judgements on that show. It may be worth it to him.

should just make more videos about joe. they really get to him

Joe has been threatening to sue people here for the last three years.

This TIME I'm serious, reddit tards! Hahahahah #makemykikeLAWYERhappy

Remember how he used to challenge people to fight, but dropped that bit after a couple of them agreed to meet him irl? Good times. #SoGay

I actually think he might be about to have a breakdown. The lack of any sense or logic or reasoning in this statement is beyond comprehension.

Things are only facts if I know who you are? What?

Italian monkey wearing fake motorcycle gang merchandise threatening people over the internet. There's a shocker.

You spelled North African wrong stupid

I think were in his head.

I'm over here now. Latitude 40.758410 Longitude -73.984080

"Fuckumentary"...I imagine he ran around the room high-fiving himself upon coming up with that bit of comedy gold.

Fat faggot cant even threaten people the right way. He shouldve said "Reveal yourself and I promise I wont sue you." It wouldnt have been convincing but itd be less embarrassing.

Didn't he say that he is Intern Sean?

I pray to every imaginary man there is in the sky that he pursues some sort of frivolous lawsuit and hires a shyster lawyer who will bilk him out of Ant's money.

Joe just can’t stop making mistakes can he

I wonder if he knows he is only making it worse for himself by ackwodging this and tweeting about it

He has the brain of a 10 year old, so no.

Let’s not forget this guy has kids....and it’s Xmas eve

You assume this father of four has three kids who don’t hate him. He hit the mother of the few of them with a frying pan remember.

like this fucking idiot could afford a lawyer

Was going to reply with "His brother can," but I am delighted to realize I'm not even sure that's true anymore.

Getting a lawyer really shows no effect on their life.

Neither does going on The People’s Court as a Plaintiff to try to recoup “damages” suffered as a result of the direct actions of a member of this sub.


I'm sure Ant will be thrilled to pay for a lawyer for you, you can't afford one on your cosplay band money lol

There's a "pro Bono" joke in there if anybody wants it.

This is the weirdest Christmas of my life.

Hmm another day where Joe hasn’t mentioned the rape accusations. Dawn deserves justice.

He reads every fucking word on this site

A Christmas present for the sub.

#SoSued #PeoplesCourt #DefinatelyNotAPedophile

“So sued” I hope he gets embalmed alive

SoSued and StarveNana, this guy loves providing embarrassing nonexistent hashtags.

How much real estate do we own in this buffoons head?

"sued".... lol

Are you in China or something? Looking at the top left of your phone screen

This is how family man Joe Cumia spends his Christmas Eve.

what could Joe possibly sue for? serious question,was there any libel or slander anywhere in it?


He makes it sound like we're not getting the interview because Beige is a pussy. He won't give the interview because he knows all the info is true, BUT he said he would after an irrational condition is met. This way, Jenkem can tell himself he didn't puss out of the interview; Beige did. It's quite genius retardation actually.

The Christmas eve tweets of a loser.

Nice chink phone, stupid.

Did he buy his Chinese iPhone at the same store he buys his Chinese guitars?

Joe is the msot transparent old man I've ever witnessed. His pending lawsuit is about as believable as 2U only loaing 1 gig that was a charity for kids ran by a black man.

Joe cumia is a stupid asshole

Threatening to slap him with a frivolous lawsuit is a great way to convince him to give you his personal info.

God Joe is too stupid to live.

So he's gunning for another appearence on the Peoples Court, to once again air allegations of paedophilia?

How can he look himself in the mirror knowing he's a 60 year old leech.

We might get another People's Court episode.

Hey porsalin, could you uhm, come back? There might be 4 discord losers that cares about what ”evil” you did, the rest of us 25000 user dont give a shit and see you as our docu guy. Can you please make an investigating docu about the case that troyquan actually murdered his girlfriend by pushing her from a cliff and then lied to the police and went to work right after? Love ya miss ya

Best case BF trips over Keith in button-popping SWAT gear having a heat seizure in his driveway.